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Use of a Managed Solitary Bee to Pollinate Almonds: Population Sustainability and Increased Fruit Set
Insects ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-11 , DOI: 10.3390/insects12010056
Jordi Bosch , Sergio Osorio-Canadas , Fabio Sgolastra , Narcís Vicens

Osmia spp. are excellent orchard pollinators but evidence that their populations can be sustained in orchard environments and their use results in increased fruit production is scarce. We released an Osmia cornuta population in an almond orchard and measured its population dynamics, as well as visitation rates and fruit set at increasing distances from the nesting stations. Honeybees were 10 times more abundant than O. cornuta. However, the best models relating fruit set and bee visitation included only O. cornuta visitation, which explained 41% and 40% of the initial and final fruit set. Distance from the nesting stations explained 27.7% and 22.1% of the variability in initial and final fruit set. Of the 198 females released, 99 (54.4%) established and produced an average of 9.15 cells. Female population growth was 1.28. By comparing our results with those of previous O. cornuta studies we identify two important populational bottlenecks (female establishment and male-biased progeny sex ratios). Our study demonstrates that even a small population of a highly effective pollinator may have a significant impact on fruit set. Our results are encouraging for the use of Osmia managed populations and for the implementation of measures to promote wild pollinators in agricultural environments.



壁蜂属。是极好的果园授粉媒介,但有证据表明其种群可以在果园环境中维持生存,并且缺乏使用果园以增加果实产量的证据。我们在一个杏仁果园中释放了一个Osmia cornuta种群,并测量了它的种群动态,以及在离巢站越来越远的地方,访果率和坐果率。蜜蜂分别为10倍更丰富O.枸骨。但是,与坐果和蜜蜂探访有关的最佳模型仅包括玉米O。探访,这解释了初始和最终结果的41%和40%。离巢站的距离解释了初始和最终坐果期变异的27.7%和22.1%。在释放的198位女性中,有99位(54.4%)建立并平均产生9.15个细胞。女性人口增长为1.28。通过将我们的结果与以前的角荚鱼研究结果进行比较,我们确定了两个重要的人口瓶颈(女性地位和男性偏见的子代性别比)。我们的研究表明,即使是一小撮高效传粉者,也可能对坐果产生重大影响。我们的研究结果令人鼓舞,可以利用由Osmia管理的种群,并可以采取措施在农业环境中促进野生传粉媒介。