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In totum deparaffinization of biological samples and re-embedded in historesin for better diagnostic
Microscopy Research and Technique ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-10 , DOI: 10.1002/jemt.23695
Talita Sarah Mazzoni 1, 2 , Irani Quagio-Grassiotto 2

Paraffin has been the most traditional embedding medium used in histological techniques, however it can cause several technical artifacts. On the other hand, the use of plastic resins gives a more consistent and precise support to the tissues, allowing a better perfection of the histological sections. Thus, in an attempt to retrieve samples previously embedded in paraffin, we have described this new protocol which allows the material to be deparaffinized and re-embedded into historesin (glycol methacrylate). Paraffin embedded biological materials (en bloc) were deparaffinized and re-embedded with historesin. The histological sections of the samples (in paraffin and historesin) were analyzed under light microscope and the quality of the material was compared. As expected, samples embedded in historesin showed a better quality in their morphology, even if they were previously embedded in paraffin. Therefore, this new technique proposed here allows the recovery of old materials, through reprocessing to historesin, ensuring that materials already collected that cannot be obtained again are analyzed with greater clarity and great detail.



石蜡一直是组织学技术中使用的最传统的包埋介质,但它会导致一些技术伪影。另一方面,塑料树脂的使用为组织提供了更加一致和精确的支撑,从而使组织切片更加完美。因此,为了检索以前嵌入石蜡的样品,我们描述了这个新协议,它允许材料脱蜡并重新嵌入到历史树脂(甲基丙烯酸乙二醇酯)中。石蜡包埋的生物材料 (整块) 被脱蜡并用历史树脂重新包埋。在光学显微镜下分析样品的组织切片(在石蜡和组织树脂中)并比较材料的质量。正如预期的那样,嵌入历史树脂的样品在形态学上表现出更好的质量,即使它们以前被嵌入石蜡中。因此,这里提出的这项新技术允许通过对历史树脂进行再加工来回收旧材料,确保对已经收集但无法再次获得的材料进行更清晰、更详细的分析。