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Complex Processing of Rhaponticum carthamoides Rhizomes with Roots to Produce Ecdisten Substance, Total Flavonoids, and Lipid Concentrate
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s11094-021-02325-z
A. U. Mamatkhanov , R. M. Khalilov , M. A. Mamatkhanova

Ecdisten waste-recycling processes were studied for rational use of the rhizomes with roots of Rhaponticum carthamoides . Separation of flavonoids from ecdysteroids over polyamide at 25:1 and 30:1 ratios of sorbent layer height to column diameter and a 1:8 ratio of material to sorbent were proposed. It was found that the crude product should be recrystallized from 70% EtOH at a product:solvent ratio of 1:30 and the aqueous EtOH solution of total flavonoids should be condensed to one third of the initial volume followed by storage in a crystallizer for at least 8 h to obtain substance containing at least 95% total flavonoids from the crude product. A complex processing technology for rhizomes with roots of R. carthamoides that could produce substance of the adaptogen ecdisten, substance of a hypoazotemic drug based on total flavonoids, and lipid concentrate for use in cosmetology was developed. A spectrophotometric method for quantitative determination at 353 ± 2 nm of total flavonoids recalculated as luteolin was proposed.


红枣根茎的复杂加工以产生 Ecdisten 物质、总黄酮和脂质浓缩物

研究了 Ecdisten 废物回收过程,以合理利用具有红花木耳根的根茎。提出了以 25:1 和 30:1 的吸附剂层高度与柱直径的比率以及 1:8 的材料与吸附剂的比率在聚酰胺上从蜕皮甾类中分离黄酮类化合物。发现粗产物应以 1:30 的产物:溶剂比从 70% EtOH 中重结晶,总黄酮的 EtOH 水溶液应冷凝至初始体积的三分之一,然后在结晶器中储存至少 8 小时才能从粗品中获得总黄酮含量至少为 95% 的物质。红花根茎的复杂加工技术,可生产适应原 ecdisten 物质,一种基于总黄酮的低氮药物物质,并开发了用于美容的脂质浓缩物。提出了一种在 353 ± 2 nm 处定量测定总黄酮类化合物(重新计算为木犀草素)的分光光度法。