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Aggressive Behavior ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-09 , DOI: 10.1002/ab.21946

The article entitled “A Correlational Study Between Cartoon Violence, Aggressive Thoughts and Aggressive Behaviors: New Analyses and Clarifications” published in aggressive behavior (Volume 45, Issue 5) had errors in the participant assignment description were discovered in original article (Zhang et al., 2019). Most importantly, participants were not randomly assigned to watch a violent or nonviolent cartoon. Rather, they chose which of two cartoons to watch, before measurement of the dependent variables. Thus, the main independent variable (cartoon watched) should be interpreted as a correlational variable, not an experimentally manipulated one. The authors apologize for this mistake.

In addition, several new data analyses are reported, in which trait aggression was treated as a continuous variable, instead of a 3‐level (low, medium, high) categorical variable. The following sections present the new results.



在攻击行为(第45卷,第5期)上发表的题为“卡通暴力,攻击性思维与攻击行为之间的相关性研究:新的分析和澄清”的文章中,参与者分配描述中存在错误(张等人。 ,  2019)。最重要的是,没有随机分配参与者观看暴力或非暴力卡通。相反,他们在测量因变量之前选择了要观看的两个动画片中的哪一个。因此,应将主要的自变量(观看动画片)解释为相关变量,而不是经过实验操作的变量。作者对此错误表示歉意。

