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Long cycles through specified vertices
Discrete Mathematics ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.disc.2020.112274
Shuchao Li , Xuechao Li , Bing Wei

Let σk(G)=min{i=1kdG(vi):{v1,v2,,vk}is an independent set ofG} for a graph G and an integer k1. In 1991, Egawa et al. (1991) generalized a famous result on the existence of a hamiltonian cycle given by Ore (1960). In this paper, we will enhance the result of Egawa et al.. by providing the following result: Let G be a k-connected graph (k2) and let S be an any vertex set with |S|k. Then G has a cycle of length at least min{|V(G)|,2kσk(G)} passing through S.



σķG={一世=1个ķdGv一世{v1个v2vķ}是一组独立的G} 对于图 G 和一个整数 ķ1个。1991年,Egawa等人。(1991)对由Ore(1960)给出的哈密顿循环的存在给出了著名的结论。在本文中,我们将通过提供以下结果来增强Egawa等人的结果:G 成为 ķ连接图(ķ2) 然后让 小号 与任何顶点集 |小号|ķ。然后G 具有至少一个长度的周期 {|VG|2ķσķG} 通过 小号
