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Early steps toward the lunar base deployment: Some prospects
Acta Astronautica ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2021.01.002
Mikhail Ya. Marov , Evgeny N. Slyuta

The paper deals with key problems related to the initial stage of the Moon exploration in the coming decades. Moon exploration plans are on the agenda of the world's leading powers. Some important issues linked to of the Lunar Base development and the pre-construction studies on the selection of the most suitable regions for the purpose and along with their natural properties are discussed. We consider a scenario in which robots are widely used for further study and exploration of the Moon. The plan includes developing a global geological and geophysical reference network on the lunar surface and use mobile equipment equipped with drilling rigs. Such means (lunar rovers of a new generation) are in demand for the preliminary selection of the most suitable places for the Lunar Base construction as an initial element of the complex lunar infrastructure. Two types of lunar rovers are considered in detail: the prospecting and exploration lunokhod of the middle class “Geologist-Explorer” and the heavy lunokhod “Robot-Geologist”. They are intended to carry out regional geological, geochemical and geophysical surveying, sampling, analysis and comparison of data on the natural conditions of selected areas on promising routes with a radius of up to 500 km on the Near and Far side of the Moon. An important goal is data collection on the availability of such important local resources as water ice, frozen volatile and ore deposits. The issues of safety of humans stay in harsh conditions on the lunar surface and the possibility of protection from external factors are discussed, which plays an important role in the implementation of plans for the future lunar exploration.



本文讨论了与未来几十年月球探索初期有关的关键问题。月球勘探计划已列在世界主要大国的议程上。讨论了与月球基地开发有关的一些重要问题,以及针对该目的及其自然属性选择最合适区域的建设前研究。我们考虑一种场景,其中广泛使用机器人对月球进行进一步的研究和探索。该计划包括在月球表面开发全球地质和地球物理参考网络,并使用配备钻机的移动设备。需要这样的手段(新一代的月球漫游车)来初步选择最合适的月球基地建设地点,作为复杂的月球基础设施的初始要素。详细讨论了两种类型的月球漫游车:中产阶级“地质学家-探险家”的探矿和勘探月球怪兽和重型“机器人-地质学家”的月球怪兽。他们的目的是对月球近端和远端的半径达500 km的有前途的路线进行选定区域自然条件的区域地质,地球化学和地球物理调查,采样,分析和比较。一个重要的目标是收集有关水冰,冷冻挥发物和矿床等重要本地资源的可用性的数据。
