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The Importance of Public Education and Interpretation in the Conservation of Toba Caldera Geoheritage
Geoheritage ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s12371-020-00523-x
Said Muzambiq , Hibnul Walid , Tunggul Hermansyah Ganie , Hary Hermawan

This article discusses the importance of local community involvement and their appreciation concerning geotourism. The Toba Caldera is an interesting area that forms a unique, spectacular landscape and is a popular international tourist destination. This caldera has become an important Indonesian tourism icon, and a plan is being developed with respect to sustainable development within the vicinity. The authors prepared an educational outreach event consisting of class and field presentations to residents of the Lake Toba area. The course covered the evolution of the Toba Caldera and its relationship to Samosir Island, part of a resurgent dome complex (Chesner 2011). A comprehensive survey indicated that approximately 67% of the local residents and students in the course understood the geological implications of the Toba area. This number indicates a very rapid increase, when compared to 11% of those individuals who understood the volcanic geology aspect before they entered the education program. Fortunately, soon after learning the material, the residents and the students demonstrated an eagerness to preserve the Toba Caldera geoheritage site (i.e., to protect the fossil geosites and/or become involved as geotourism guides). This attitude can be considered as the key factor for the success of Toba’s geoheritage preservation, which is dependent on the awareness of local communities and their appreciation towards geoconservation, especially at fossil outcrop locations. Fossil outcrops are so important because of their limited distribution and they usually were preserved in a soft rock/formation. Another finding of this study is that 53% of the participants (most of them are young boys) became interested in geotourism guide services after learning the evolution of the Toba Caldera, citing a desire to be involved in the Toba caldera geopark program’s success. In response to the positive impact the program had on the participants, the authors assisted them in developing a responsibility to protect the geoheritage of Toba Caldera from any disrupters. In addition to the study, the authors produced a geoheritage map that displays 36 geosites. Moreover, for further advancement of public education programs, some written materials will be prepared, such as leaflets, posters, and geotourism guidelines.



本文讨论了当地社区参与的重要性以及他们对地质旅游的欣赏。鸟羽破火山口是一个有趣的地区,形成了独特而壮观的景观,并且是受欢迎的国际旅游胜地。这个破火山口已成为印度尼西亚重要的旅游标志,并且正在制定有关附近可持续发展的计划。作者准备了一次教育外展活动,包括向鸟羽湖地区居民进行的课堂和实地演讲。该课程涵盖了鸟羽破火山口的演变及其与萨摩西岛的关系,萨摩西岛是复兴的圆顶建筑群的一部分(Chesner 2011)。一项全面的调查表明,该课程中大约67%的当地居民和学生了解鸟羽地区的地质意义。与在进入教育计划之前了解火山地质情况的那些人中的11%相比,这个数字表明增长非常快。幸运的是,在学习了这些材料之后,居民和学生很快就表现出了渴望保护Toba Caldera地质遗迹的意愿(即,保护化石地质遗迹和/或作为地质旅游指南参与其中)。这种态度可以被认为是Toba地质遗产保护成功的关键因素,这取决于当地社区的意识以及他们对地质保护的重视,尤其是在化石露头位置。化石露头很重要,因为它们分布有限,通常保存在软岩/地层中。这项研究的另一个发现是,在了解Toba火山口的演变之后,有53%的参与者(其中大多数是男孩)对地质旅游向导服务产生了兴趣,并表示希望参与Toba火山口地质公园计划的成功。为了响应该计划对参与者的积极影响,作者协助他们承担起保护Toba Caldera地质遗产不受任何干扰的责任。除研究外,作者还制作了显示36个地理位置的地理遗产地图。此外,为了进一步推进公共教育计划,将准备一些书面材料,例如传单,海报和地质旅游指南。表示希望参与鸟羽破火山口地质公园计划的成功。为了响应该计划对参与者的积极影响,作者协助他们承担起保护Toba Caldera地质遗产不受任何干扰的责任。除了这项研究之外,作者还制作了显示36个地理位置的地理遗产地图。此外,为了进一步推进公共教育计划,将准备一些书面材料,例如传单,海报和地质旅游指南。表示希望参与鸟羽破火山口地质公园计划的成功。为了响应该计划对参与者的积极影响,作者协助他们承担起保护Toba Caldera地质遗产不受任何干扰的责任。除了这项研究之外,作者还制作了显示36个地理位置的地理遗产地图。此外,为了进一步推进公共教育计划,将准备一些书面材料,例如传单,海报和地质旅游指南。
