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Biofumigation with Brassica seed-based products combined with calcium carbonate to control Phytophthora cinnamomi root rot in cork and holm oaks
European Journal of Plant Pathology ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s10658-020-02175-7
María Carmen Rodríguez-Molina , Pilar Fernández-Rebollo , Paula Serrano-Pérez , Ana De Santiago , María Teresa Hidalgo-Fernández , Francisco J. Campos-Navarro

The root rot of holm and cork oaks caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi is one of the main phytosanitary problems in dehesas and montados, open woodlands of the Southern Iberian Peninsula. Biofumigation with seed meals rich in sinigrin is a promising technique to diminish the impact of this disease, but verification of its effectiveness is necessary before applying it in the field. The effectiveness to reduce sporangial production of P. cinnamomi and to control disease in holm and cork oak plants of biofumigation with non-defatted seed meal of Brassica juncea and pellets of defatted seed meal of Brassica carinata, combined or not with calcium carbonate, was tested in experimental conditions. The combinations of biofumigant materials and CaCOin vitro experiments were more effective in reducing the production of sporangia than the application separately, even with high doses of biofumigants. In plant experiments, none of the treatments significantly reduced disease symptoms in holm oak plants. In cork oak plants, the most effective treatment was seed meal of B. juncea (1.34 g L−1 of substrate) combined with CaCO3 (1.5 g L−1of substrate), although treatments with both doses of B. juncea seed meal (1.34 and 2.68 g L−1 of substrate) and with pellets of B. carinata (1.5 g L−1 of substrate) combined with CaCO3 (1.5 g L−1 of substrate) also significantly reduced root symptom severity in contrast with the inoculated control. Biofumigation with B. juncea seed meal or with B. carinata pellets, combined with the application of CaCO3 can be a tool to integrate control strategies into the disease in the dehesas.



疫霉菌引起的栎和软木的根腐病是伊比利亚南部半岛的开阔地带德赫萨斯蒙塔多斯的主要植物检疫问题之一。用富含芥子苷的种子粉进行生物熏蒸是减少该病影响的一种有前途的技术,但在将其应用于野外之前必须对其有效性进行验证。效果,减少孢子囊生产肉桂疫霉和控制疾病的生物熏蒸的冬青和栓皮栎植物与非脱脂种子粉芥菜和脱脂种子粉粒料在实验条件下测试了是否与碳酸钙结合使用。即使使用高剂量的生物熏蒸剂,生物熏蒸剂材料和CaCO 的体外实验组合也比单独应用更有效地减少了孢子囊的产生。在植物实验中,没有一种处理能够显着减轻圣栎植物的病害症状。在栓皮栎植物中,最有效的治疗是的种子粉芥菜(1.34克L- -1与碳酸钙结合底物)3(1.5克L- -1底物),虽然与两种剂量的治疗芥菜籽粉(1.34和2.68 g L -1的底物)以及与接种的对照相比,B。carinata(1.5 g L -1的底物)与CaCO 3(1.5 g L -1的底物)组合也显着降低了根部症状的严重程度。与芥菜芽孢杆菌种子粉或与卡氏芽孢杆菌的颗粒进行生物熏蒸,再加上CaCO 3的施用,可以成为将控制策略整合到德黑萨病中的一种工具。
