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Positive Effect of Teriparatide on Areal Bone Mineral Density in Young Women with Anorexia Nervosa: A Pilot Study
Calcified Tissue International ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s00223-020-00791-3
Gabriella Milos 1 , Hanspeter Moergeli 1 , Cynthia Sob 1 , Doris Wisler 2 , Mariusz Wasila 2 , Daniel Uebelhart 3 , Diana Frey 2

The present pilot study investigated the effect of Teriparatide 1–34 rh-PTH (TPT) in young women diagnosed with anorexia nervosa (AN), and markedly compromised Bone Mineral Density (BMD). Patients were included who had (i) very low BMD (defined as Z-Score < − 2.5 or T-Score < − 2.5 if available) in at least one of the assessed localizations (lumbar spine L1–L4, total hip, femoral neck) without any previous fragility fracture; or (ii) low bone mineral density (defined as Z-Score < − 1.5 or T-Score < − 1.5 if available) in at least one of the assessed localizations (lumbar spine L1–L4, total hip, femoral neck) and at least one previous fragility fracture. Ten patients with an age range of 21–33 were recruited and their bone outcome was assessed after 12, 18, and 24 months. After 24 months of TPT treatment, BMD improved by 13.5% in the spine, 5.0% in the femoral neck, and 4.0% in the hip. Radius cortical bone density (− 2.6%) and radius cortical thickness (− 6.4%) decreased significantly, while in tibia there was no significant decrease. Neither in radius nor in tibia a significant change in trabecular bone parameters occurred. During the treatment, the patients’ body weight did not increase significantly. Patients did not experience severe adverse events; only mild side effects were observed. Although these results emerged from a single-arm prospective study, it seems that AN patients with a severely compromised bone situation can benefit from TPT. Larger studies are needed to ascertain the effect of this promising substance.



本试验性研究调查了特立帕肽 1-34 rh-PTH (TPT) 对被诊断患有神经性厌食症 (AN) 并显着降低骨矿物质密度 (BMD) 的年轻女性的影响。纳入了以下患者:(i)在至少一个评估的定位(腰椎 L1-L4、全髋、股骨颈)中具有非常低的 BMD(定义为Z -Score < - 2.5 或T -Score < - 2.5,如果有的话) ) 之前没有任何脆性骨折;或 (ii) 低骨矿物质密度(定义为Z -Score < - 1.5 或T- 在至少一个评估的定位(腰椎 L1-L4、全髋、股骨颈)和至少一个先前的脆性骨折中得分 < - 1.5(如果有)。招募了 10 名年龄在 21-33 岁之间的患者,并在 12、18 和 24 个月后评估了他们的骨骼结果。经过 24 个月的 TPT 治疗,脊柱 BMD 提高了 13.5%,股骨颈提高了 5.0%,髋关节提高了 4.0%。桡骨皮质骨密度 (- 2.6%) 和桡骨皮质厚度 (- 6.4%) 显着下降,而胫骨没有显着下降。桡骨和胫骨骨小梁参数均未发生显着变化。治疗期间,患者体重没有明显增加。患者没有经历严重的不良事件;仅观察到轻微的副作用。尽管这些结果来自单臂前瞻性研究,但骨骼状况严重受损的 AN 患者似乎可以从 TPT 中受益。需要更大规模的研究来确定这种有前途的物质的效果。
