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Crossing borders: the case of NASFAT or ‘Pentecostal Islam’ in Southwest Nigeria
Social Anthropology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-07 , DOI: 10.1111/1469-8676.12769
Marloes Janson 1

The Pentecostal movement in Nigeria, with its emphasis on this‐worldly blessings and healing, has become so vibrant that today even Muslim organisations appear to be increasingly ‘Pentecostalised’. Nasrul‐Lahi‐il Fathi Society of Nigeria or NASFAT is a case in point. In an effort to compete with Pentecostalism on Yorubaland‘s religious marketplace, NASFAT has copied Pentecostal prayer forms, such as the crusade and night vigil, while emphasising Muslim doctrine. As such, the case of NASFAT illustrates that religious borrowing does not imply that religious boundaries do not matter: indeed, NASFAT is a powerful example of the preservation of religious differences through the appropriation of Pentecostal styles and strategies. In this spirit, religiously plural movements such as NASFAT prompt us to unlock analytical space in the nearly hermetically sealed anthropologies of Islam and Christianity and to develop a comparative framework that overcomes essentialist notions of religious diversity.



尼日利亚的五旬节运动非常重视这种世俗的祝福和康复,因此变得非常活跃,以至于今天甚至穆斯林组织似乎也越来越“五旬节化”。尼日利亚的Nasrul-Lahi-il Fathi协会或NASFAT就是一个很好的例子。为了在约鲁巴兰的宗教市场上与五旬节主义竞争,NASFAT复制了五旬节派的祈祷形式,例如十字军东征和夜间守夜,同时强调穆斯林教义。因此,NASFAT案表明宗教借贷并不意味着宗教界限无关紧要:确实,NASFAT是通过使用五旬节派风格和策略来维护宗教差异的有力例子。本着这种精神,