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Local domestication or diffusion? Insights into viticulture in Greece from Neolithic to Archaic times, using geometric morphometric analyses of archaeological grape seeds
Journal of Archaeological Science ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2020.105263
Clémence Pagnoux , Laurent Bouby , Soultana Maria Valamoti , Vincent Bonhomme , Sarah Ivorra , Eugenia Gkatzogia , Angeliki Karathanou , Dimitra Kotsachristou , Helmut Kroll , Jean-Frédéric Terral

Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) is one of the emblematic crops of Greece. Despite evidence of early wine making in the Aegean since the Late Neolithic (ca 4500–4000 BC), the hypothesis of a local domestication of the grapevine in this area hasn't be thoroughly investigated. In order to date the first appearance of the domesticated grapevine and to explore the past cultivated diversity in the Aegean, morphometric analyses were performed on a large data set of 2223 archaeological grape pips from 11 sites located in various areas of Greece and dated to the Late Neolithic, Bronze Age and Archaic period (6th millennium BC - 7th century BC).

All the grape pips from the Late Neolithic are morphologically wild. The shift from wild to domesticated shape occurred during the Middle Bronze Age (1900–1700 BC). From the Late Bronze Age (1500–1100 BC) onwards, domesticated types dominate almost all the assemblages. Possible indication of a local domestication process is provided by pips dated to the Early Bronze Age. Also still in the range of modern wild specimens, their shape is an intermediate between the Neolithic pips and those dated to later periods. A high morphological diversity characterizes the Late Bronze Age and Archaic assemblages. These grape pips are mostly allocated to modern varieties from the Balkans, Caucasus and South-West Asia. The geographical origin of the identified varieties may reflect introduction of cultivars from the eastern Mediterranean, but may also testify to an early stage of local domestication and grapevine diversification.



葡萄(Vitis vinifera L.)是希腊的象征作物之一。尽管有证据表明自新石器时代晚期(约公元前4500-4000年)以来爱琴海地区就开始进行葡萄酒的早期酿造,但尚未对该地区的本地葡萄种植进行假说。为了确定首次出现的家养葡萄品种并探索爱琴海过去的栽培多样性,对来自希腊不同地区11个地点的2223个考古葡萄小点的大型数据集进行了形态计量学分析,其历史可追溯至晚期。新石器时代,青铜时代和古时代(公元前6世纪-公元前7世纪)。

