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Aquatic microbial community is partially functionally redundant: insights from an in situ reciprocal transplant experiment
bioRxiv - Ecology Pub Date : 2021-01-07 , DOI: 10.1101/2020.02.01.930198
Kshitij Tandon , Min-Tao Wan , Chia-Chin Yang , Shan-Hua Yang , Bayanmunkh Baatar , Chih-Yu Chiu , Jeng-Wei Tsai , Wen-Cheng Liu , Chen Siang Ng , Sen-Lin Tang

Microbial communities are considered to be functionally redundant, but few studies have tested this hypothesis empirically. In this study, we performed an in situ reciprocal transplant experiment on the surface and bottom waters of two lakes with disparate trophic states and tracked changes in their microbial community and functional attributes for 6 weeks using high-throughput sequencing and functional approaches. The communities from both lakes were resistant to changes in composition after the reciprocal transplant, but their functions tended to become similar to the incubating lakes functional profiles. A significant linear positive relationship was observed between the microbial community and functional attributes, though with varying scales of similarity, suggesting partial functional redundancy. Furthermore, the entropy-based L-divergence measure quantified the scale of partial functional redundancy in the lakes surface and bottom waters. This study establishes and quantifies the scale of partial functional redundancy in the freshwater ecosystem through empirical investigation.


