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Comparative Study on Electric Fish Handling Gloves and Immersion Anesthesia for the Surgical Implantation of Transmitters in Brook Trout
North American Journal of Fisheries Management ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-07 , DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10536
Benjamin Lamglait 1 , Stéphane Lair 1

Although the use of electric fish handling gloves (EFHGs) has been advocated as a no‐residue alternative to chemical immobilization for field studies, the impact of their use on fish welfare remains uncertain for surgical procedures. The effects of EFHGs (10–16 mV), with and without local infiltration of lidocaine (6 mg/kg), on stress and muscle integrity after the surgical implantation of an intracoelomic transmitter in adult Brook Trout Salvelinus fontinalis were compared to the effects of two immersion anesthetics (buffered tricaine methanesulfonate at 60 mg/L and eugenol at 40 mg/L) using blood markers. Lower plane of anesthesia and inconsistent immobilization made surgeries with EFHGs more challenging to perform than surgeries conducted using immersion anesthesia. Plasma cortisol and lactate levels were significantly higher at 1–2 h postprocedure than at the end of the surgery (time 0) for all experimental groups (+210% and +121%, respectively), but no significant differences were detected for the magnitude of these increases between groups. Plasma creatine kinase concentrations significantly increased at 2 h postprocedure for the EFHG treatment groups (+206%), whereas they significantly decreased over the same period for the immersion anesthesia groups (−89%). Residues of lidocaine were not detected in fillets, suggesting the absence of significant systemic diffusion. This study suggests that the use of EFHGs for intracoelomic surgical procedures in Brook Trout induces higher disturbances to muscular physiology compared to immersion anesthesia. Differences in the level of stress, muscular anaerobic activity, or oxidative stress were not documented. Further research is needed to evaluate the analgesic properties of EFHGs and local infiltration with lidocaine.



尽管在田间研究中已提倡使用电鱼操纵手套(EFHGs)作为化学固定的无残留替代品,但对于外科手术而言,使用其对鱼类福利的影响仍然不确定。EFHGs(10–16 mV),利多卡因局部浸润和不局部浸润(6 mg / kg),对成年布鲁克鳟鱼Salvellinus fontinalis内腔内发射机的植入后应力和肌肉完整性的影响使用两种血液麻醉剂将其与两种浸入麻醉药(缓冲的三卡因甲磺酸甲磺酸盐为60 mg / L和丁香酚为40 mg / L)的效果进行比较。较低的麻醉平面和不固定的固定方式使使用EFHGs的手术比采用浸入麻醉的手术更具挑战性。对于所有实验组,血浆皮质醇和乳酸水平在手术后1-2小时均显着高于手术结束时(时间0)(分别为+ 210%和+ 121%),但是在幅度上没有发现显着差异这些增加之间的群体。对于EFHG治疗组,术后2 h血浆肌酸激酶浓度显着升高(+ 206%),而对于浸入麻醉组,血浆肌酸激酶浓度在同期显着降低(-89%)。在鱼片中未检出利多卡因的残留,表明没有明显的全身扩散。这项研究表明,与浸入麻醉相比,在布鲁克鳟鱼的腔内外科手术中使用EFHGs会引起对肌肉生理的更大干扰。压力水平,肌肉无氧活动或氧化压力水平没有差异。需要进一步的研究以评估EFHG的镇痛特性和利多卡因的局部浸润。或氧化应激未记录。需要进一步的研究以评估EFHG的镇痛特性和利多卡因的局部浸润。或氧化应激未记录。需要进一步的研究以评估EFHG的镇痛特性和利多卡因的局部浸润。