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Open-pit mine truck fuel consumption pattern and application based on multi-dimensional features and XGBoost
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments ( IF 8 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.seta.2020.100977
Qun Wang , Ruixin Zhang , Shuaikang Lv , Yangting Wang

The fuel consumption cost of open-pit mine trucks accounts for up to 22% of the total cost. However, research on the fuel consumption of mine trucks has been hindered by low monitoring accuracy and unclear fuel consumption patterns. Based on the fuel consumption per cycle of mine trucks, this study analysed the fuel consumption of 5179 transportation cycles with three types of mine trucks. First, a regression analysis was applied to reveal the non-linear pattern of the fuel consumption caused by multi-dimensional features, such as haulage distance, lifting height, and operation time per cycle. Then, based on multi-dimensional features and the XGBoost algorithm, a prediction model for the fuel consumption of mine trucks was proposed, and the R-squared and mean absolute percent error index values were determined to be 0.93 and 8.78%, respectively. The experimental results showed that the lifting height, load, and haulage distance were the key factors influencing the fuel consumption of mine trucks. The fuel consumption of mine trucks during queuing cannot be ignored. These results can be applied to formulate reasonable fuel consumption assessment indicators, truck dispatch strategies, and cost budget plans.



