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Barotropic and baroclinic tides in Panay Strait, Philippines
Regional Studies in Marine Science ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rsma.2021.101612
Charina Lyn Amedo-Repollo , Xavier Flores-Vidal , Cedric Chavanne , Cesar L. Villanoy , Pierre Flament

The Panay Strait constitutes a bathymetrically complex system with intense tidal currents. The four major tidal constituents in the total energy spectra inferred from sea level and current profiles are K1, O1, M2, and S2. Spatially, O1 and M2 dominate over K1 and S2, respectively. The diurnal tide accounts for highest amplitude variability over the shallow shelf while semi-diurnal tides over the deeper channel of the strait. Rotary spectra of surface currents shows inertial frequency peaks and exhibit an unusually broad peak in both the clockwise (CW) and counterclockwise (CCW) rotating components, indicating frequency shift by the vorticity of sub-inertial currents prevalent in the region. Vertically, variance of the horizontal velocity explained by the major tidal constituents peaks in two distinct depth bands; the upper layer centered at 110 m (11% variance) dominated by semi-diurnal tide (M2) and the lower layer at 470 m (26% variance) dominated by diurnal tides (O1). Semi-diurnal tidal current ellipses (M2 and S2) exhibit a dominance of CW motions at near-surface depth (110 m), indicative of downward energy propagation and implying a surface energy source. These features from Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) deployed close to the sill is consistent with the dominant semi-diurnal tide (M2) over the channel of the strait from the High Frequency Doppler Radar (HFDR). Comparison of incoherent to coherent tidal energy shows K1 dominated the incoherent tidal band. Spatially, incoherent energy is dominant over the channel particularly near the sill and the constricted part of the strait. The incoherent portion of the tide is presumably attributable to the surface expression of the internal tide which seems to be generated near the sill and then topographically steered west over the edge of the shallow shelf where incoherent energy is dominant.



班乃海峡构成了一个具有强烈潮流的,复杂的测深系统。从海平面和当前剖面推断出的总能谱中的四个主要潮汐成分是ķ1个Ø1个中号2小号2。在空间上Ø1个中号2 统治 ķ1个小号2, 分别。在海峡较深的海峡,昼夜潮汐的幅度变化最大,而在海峡的较深河道上,半日潮汐的变化幅度最大。表面电流的旋转光谱显示出惯性频率峰值,并且在顺时针(CW)和逆时针(CCW)旋转分量中都显示出异常宽的峰值,表明该区域中普遍存在的亚惯性电流的涡度引起频率偏移。在垂直方向上,主要潮汐成分解释的水平速度方差在两个不同的深度带达到峰值。上层中心为110 m(方差11%),主要受半日潮(中号2)和470 m(下限26%)的较低层,主要是昼间潮汐(Ø1个)。半日潮流椭圆(中号2小号2)在近地表深度(110 m)处表现出连续波运动的优势,这表明能量向下传播并暗示着表面能源。靠近门槛部署的声学多普勒电流剖面仪(ADCP)的这些特征与主要的半日潮一致(中号2)从高频多普勒雷达(HFDR)进入海峡通道。非相干潮汐能与相干潮汐能的比较显示ķ1个主导了不连贯的潮汐带。在空间上,非相干能量在通道上占主导地位,尤其是在海峡的门槛和狭窄的海峡附近。潮汐的不连贯部分大概归因于内部潮汐的表面表达,它似乎是在窗台附近产生的,然后在地形上被向西引导到浅滩的边缘,在这里不相干的能量占主导地位。
