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Clairvoyant state machine replication
Information and Computation ( IF 1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ic.2021.104701
Rida Bazzi 1 , Maurice Herlihy 2

We consider the state machine replication problem in semi-synchronous systems subject to Byzantine server failures. We propose a new solution to the problem in the form of a protocol for the generalized consensus problem. The protocol solves the consensus problem in a setting in which information about conflicts between transactions is available (such information can be in the form of transaction read and write sets). Unlike most prior proposals (for generalized or classical consensus), which use a leader to order transactions, this protocol is leaderless, and relies on non-skipping timestamps for transaction ordering. Being leaderless, the protocol does not need to pause for leader elections. The use of non-skipping timestamps permits servers to commit transactions as soon as they know that no conflicting transaction can be ordered earlier. For n servers of which f may be faulty, this protocol requires n>4f.



我们考虑受拜占庭服务器故障影响的半同步系统中的状态机复制问题。我们以针对广义共识问题的协议的形式提出了该问题的新解决方案。该协议解决了在事务之间的冲突信息可用的环境中的共识问题(这些信息可以是事务读写集的形式)。与大多数使用领导者对交易进行排序的先前提议(用于通用或经典共识)不同,该协议是无领导者,并且依赖于不跳过的时间戳进行交易排序。作为无领导者,该协议不需要暂停领导者选举。使用非跳过时间戳允许服务器在他们知道不能更早订购冲突事务时立即提交事务。为了n 个服务器,其中f个可能有故障,此协议需要n>4F.
