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Insights of remote sensing data to surmount rainfall/runoff data limitations of the downstream catchment of Pineios River, Greece
Environmental Earth Sciences ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s12665-020-09289-5
Mohamed Elhag , Nese Yilmaz

Efficient rainfall/runoff data modeling necessitates field data availability. Remote and rough terrain areas restrict data collection that leads to less reliable simulated models. Consequently, complete geographic databases are the quest to conduct over the catchment under investigation. The hydrologic model developed for this research based on different return periods (2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, and 200 years) gave significant discharge outputs. It was found that a basin average precipitation having a return period of 5 years yields a peak discharge of 1032.7 m3/s with the time of peak occurring 23.25 h after the event has started. It results in a volume of 79.9 × 106 m3. A storm event having a return period of 200 years, with basin average rainfall approximately two times more intense than the above yields an enormous discharge of 2191.1 m3/s and an accumulative volume of water of 158.8 × 106 m3. Accordingly, the catchment cannot accommodate such significant volumes of water and flooding becomes unavoidable. Therefore, hydrological, and hydraulic models can support decision-makers in correspondence to the catchment management problems for the sustainable and economic development of the wider area, by providing systematic and consistent information.



有效的降雨/径流数据建模需要现场数据的可用性。偏远和崎terrain的地形区域限制了数据收集,从而导致模拟模型的可靠性降低。因此,完整的地理数据库是对受调查流域进行的追求。为该研究开发的基于不同返回期(2、5、10、25、50、100和200年)的水文模型给出了可观的排放量。结果发现,流域平均降水的恢复期为5年,其峰值排放量为1032.7 m 3 / s,峰值时间发生在事件开始后的23.25 h。体积为79.9×10 6 m 3。风暴事件的重现期为200年,流域平均降雨量约为上述强度的两倍,因此产生了2191.1 m 3 / s的巨大流量,积水量为158.8×10 6 m 3。因此,集水区无法容纳如此大量的水,洪水不可避免。因此,水文和水力模型可以通过提供系统一致的信息,为流域管理问题的决策者提供支持,以实现更广泛地区的可持续和经济发展。
