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Green Hope: Perspectives on Cannabis from People who Use Opioids
Sociological Inquiry ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-13 , DOI: 10.1111/soin.12359
Miriam Boeri 1 , Elise Pereira 1 , Alina Minkova 1 , Kevin Marcato 1 , Elianne Martinez 1 , Denise Woodall 2

While states are implementing policies to legalize cannabis for medical or recreational purposes, it remains a Schedule 1 controlled substance with no medical uses according to U.S. federal law. The perception of cannabis depends on social and cultural norms that impact political institutions involved in implementing policy. Because of negative social constructions, such as the “gateway hypothesis,” legalization of cannabis has been slow and contentious. Recent studies suggest that cannabis can help combat the opioid epidemic. This article fills a gap in our understanding of how cannabis is viewed by people who are actively misusing opioids and not in treatment. Using ethnographic methods to recruit participants living in a state that legalized cannabis and a state where cannabis was illegal, survey and interview data were analyzed informed by a social constructionist lens. Findings from their “insider perspective” suggest that for some people struggling with problematic opioid use, cannabis can be beneficial.



尽管各州正在实施将大麻合法化用于医疗或娱乐目的的政策,但根据美国联邦法律,它仍然是附表 1 受控物质,没有医疗用途。对大麻的看法取决于影响执行政策的政治机构的社会和文化规范。由于消极的社会结构,例如“门户假说”,大麻的合法化一直缓慢且有争议。最近的研究表明,大麻可以帮助对抗阿片类药物的流行。本文填补了我们对积极滥用阿片类药物而不是在治疗中的人们如何看待大麻的理解的空白。使用人种学方法招募生活在大麻合法化州和大麻非法州的参与者,调查和访谈数据是通过社会建构主义视角进行分析的。从他们“内部人士的角度”的调查结果表明,对于一些在阿片类药物使用问题上苦苦挣扎的人来说,大麻可能是有益的。