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Attitudes of Muslim Americans toward Homosexuality and Marriage Equality: Moving Beyond Simply Understanding Christian Public Opinions
Sociological Inquiry ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-22 , DOI: 10.1111/soin.12334
Tabrina M. Bratton 1 , Robert Lytle 1 , Tusty ten Bensel 1

A number of studies have found a relationship between religious affiliation and attitudes toward LGBQ individuals. To date, however, research on religious attitudes has focused primarily on Christians. We expanded upon existing research by including two of the three largest U.S. religions previously overlooked—Islam and Judaism. We used data from the 2014 Religious Landscape Study, which provided a larger sample of Jewish (= 475) and Muslim (= 135) respondents than most public opinion surveys. We found that Muslim and Protestant participants were the least accepting of homosexuality and supportive of same‐sex marriage compared with Roman Catholic and Jewish participants. Results also showed that fundamentalism and religiosity were significant predictors of attitudes toward homosexuality and same‐sex marriage across all participants, regardless of denomination. Implications for future research and data collection efforts learned from this study are discussed.



许多研究发现宗教信仰和对LGBQ个人的态度之间存在联系。然而,迄今为止,有关宗教态度的研究主要集中在基督徒身上。我们在现有研究的基础上扩大了范围,其中包括先前被忽略的三大美国宗教中的两种:伊斯兰教和犹太教。我们使用了2014年宗教景观研究的数据,该数据提供了更大的犹太人( =  475)和穆斯林( = 135)受访者比大多数民意调查多。我们发现,与罗马天主教徒和犹太教徒相比,穆斯林和新教徒参加者对同性恋的接受程度最低,对同性婚姻的支持程度最低。结果还表明,原教旨主义和宗教信仰是所有参与者(无论其教派如何)对同性恋和同性婚姻态度的重要预测指标。讨论了从该研究中学到的对未来研究和数据收集工作的影响。