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A Hundred Years from Weber: Science as Vocation and the Resurgence of National Populism1
Sociological Forum ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-04 , DOI: 10.1111/socf.12638
Alejandro Portes 1

It has been 100 years since the death of Max Weber and 102 years since the publication of his classic essay “Science as a Vocation.” I review here several of the main ideas advanced in the essay. I then seek to apply a Weberian perspective to the analysis of the rise of national populism by considering first the historical‐structural origins of the present situation and second the meaning that it has for supporters of this movement. The evolution of world capitalism has had consequences that bear directly on the situation of the middle and working‐classes in the advanced countries and in their subsequent political reactions. Applying interpretive perspectives and using recent sociological field studies of the populist grass roots, I seek to understand the meaning that the situation has for supporters of the movement and its political implications. This understanding has direct consequences for current attempts to reverse a movement that has changed the course of recent history in the United States and elsewhere in the developed world.



从麦克斯·韦伯(Max Weber)逝世至今已有100年,而他的经典论文《科学作为职业》(Science as a Vocation)出版已经有102年。在这里,我回顾了本文中提出的一些主要思想。然后,我首先考虑当前形势的历史结构渊源,其次考虑其对这一运动的支持者的意义,从而将韦伯式的观点应用于分析民族民粹主义的兴起。世界资本主义的演变直接影响着发达国家中产阶级和工人阶级的状况及其随后的政治反应。我运用解释性的观点并利用对民粹基层的最新社会学实地研究,试图了解这种情况对运动的支持者的意义及其政治含义。