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Border Closures: Experiences of Ni‐Vanuatu Recognized Seasonal Employer Scheme Workers
Oceania ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-16 , DOI: 10.1002/ocea.5268
Rochelle‐Lee Bailey 1


Annually, thousands of people travel from our beautiful Pacific region to access work opportunities in New Zealand's Recognized Seasonal Employer Scheme (RSE). The RSE provides employment opportunities for those in the Pacific Islands to assist with labour shortages in the horticulture and viticulture sectors, with an objective of potential economic development in the Pacific in return. This paper highlights experiences of groups of stranded ni‐Vanuatu workers in New Zealand due to border closures. The research was conducted with South Island employers and workers from my longitudinal study of the RSE (2007–2020) (Bailey 2019). It also includes ni‐Vanuatu workers from other regions in New Zealand.

From early on in the pandemic workers experienced much uncertainty and many challenges—stranded beyond the term of their visas, not being able to return to their families, and for some, relocating to new regions. They have experienced a lack of work opportunities, the introduction to new jobs and locations, systems of online shopping and banking, social separation from local communities and long‐term separation from their respective communities in Vanuatu. Some have suffered accusations on social media platforms of potentially carrying the virus from New Zealand back to Vanuatu, making them feel uneasy and unwelcomed. Comments on social media sites suggesting that repatriated workers should be sent to isolated islands to work out their quarantine time were not appreciated. Some workers felt that although they went to New Zealand to help their families and communities, they were becoming second‐class citizens because of the threat COVID‐19.

RSE workers' incomes from New Zealand have assisted families in the Pacific that suffered employment losses and natural disasters. Nonetheless, as will be discussed later, the dual impacts of Cyclone Harold and the COVID‐19 pandemic have called into question the costs of participating in short‐term labour migration.

This paper illustrates how New Zealand employers and communities have responded to the needs of RSE workers, taking into consideration changes made by the government to support these groups. The next section highlights how employers and workers have responded to new COVID‐19 restrictions and healthcare considerations. Following this is a brief account of the impact of workers' more extended separation periods. I then examine repatriation phases. All in all, it has been a long, exhausting, and stressful season for many ni‐Vanuatu RSE seasonal workers, employers, families and communities in both countries. The roller coaster of events of August 2020, where returning home was in sight, followed by the postponement of repatriation flights and the return of COVID‐19 community transmission on 11th August, have further exacerbated these tensions.




每年,成千上万的人从我们美丽的太平洋地区出发,获得新西兰公认的季节性雇主计划(RSE)的工作机会。RSE为太平洋岛屿地区的人们提供就业机会,以解决园艺和葡萄栽培部门的劳动力短缺问题,以期回报太平洋地区潜在的经济发展。本文重点介绍了由于边境关闭而在新西兰滞留的瓦努阿图工人的群体的经历。该研究是根据我对RSE(2007-2020年)的纵向研究(Bailey 2019年)对南岛的雇主和工人进行的。它还包括来自新西兰其他地区的瓦努阿图人。



