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Opportunities for open access: Insights from the Wiley Practitioner Survey
Learned Publishing ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-22 , DOI: 10.1002/leap.1357
Jonathan Roscoe 1

  • There is less awareness of open-access publishing amongst practitioners than amongst their academic colleagues.
  • The requirement for certification is a significant driver of professional society membership, particularly for those in clinical and veterinary medicine.
  • Flipping a society journal from a subscription model to fully open access may drive down satisfaction.
  • Professional society members state a desire for increased collaboration with academics and feel that societies have a role to play in this.
  • Satisfaction levels with society membership are generally low amongst early career members (ECMs), but there are some clear opportunities for targeted services to improve this.
  • Awareness of open access is reasonably high, and there are calls for greater transparency and improved data sharing, particularly from ECMs and engineers.


开放获取的机会:来自 Wiley 从业者调查的见解

  • 从业者对开放获取出版的意识低于他们的学术同事。
  • 认证要求是专业协会会员资格的重要驱动因素,尤其是对于临床和兽医专业的会员。
  • 将社会期刊从订阅模式转变为完全开放获取可能会降低满意度。
  • 专业协会成员表示希望加强与学术界的合作,并认为协会可以在这方面发挥作用。
  • 早期职业成员 (ECM) 对社会成员的满意度普遍较低,但有针对性的服务有一些明显的机会来改善这一点。
  • 开放访问的意识相当高,并且呼吁提高透明度和改善数据共享,特别是来自 ECM 和工程师。