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Bat‐Ami Bar On (1948–2020)
Journal of Social Philosophy ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-31 , DOI: 10.1111/josp.12390


This issue of the Journal of Social Philosophy is dedicated to the memory of Bat‐Ami Bar On (known to all as just “Ami”), a member of our Editorial Board who passed away on November 16th. I believe that Ami would have appreciated this issue's Special Symposium on Solidarity with Refugees, since her last research project concerned the intersection of refugee studies and just war theory, and she took seriously the role of solidarity with others, as a matter for scholarship and in her personal bearing and relationships. Ami had “broad shoulders” as it were, and was immensely supportive and helpful to all who knew her, and especially to her beloved family, Lisa Tessman, also a member of our journal's Board, and their daughter Yuval.

Ami was Professor of Philosophy and Women, Gender and Sexuality studies and founding director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities (IASH) at Binghamton University, where she taught since 1991. She was the author of The Subject of Violence: Arendtian Exercises in Understanding, and edited collections and published numerous articles on feminist philosophy, on war, politics, and ethics, and on issues of Judaic identity. Her final article entitled “But is it Fascism?” appeared in our Journal's 50th Anniversary Special Issue, and it reveals her intellectual courage and trenchant insights in confronting head on the present rise of authoritarian populism in the United States (and elsewhere).

In her work, Ami brought together reflections on Hannah Arendt, Marx, and Foucault, as well as feminist thought, to craft a unique perspective on how a just politics can confront the profound structural problems produced by violence and war and their impacts. In her person too, she combined strength of character with warmth and an enormous capacity for empathy, often supplemented with a dash of humor. Her work will remain an inspiration for us, in the way she modeled the importance of directly facing the most difficult philosophical problems and doing so with an appreciation of their profound human and practical import.


Bat‐Ami Bar On(1948–2020)


本期《社会哲学杂志》是为纪念Bat-Ami Bar On(我们所有人都称为“ Ami”)而写的,他是我们编辑委员会的成员,于11月16日去世。我相信,阿米(Ami)会赞赏本期的“与难民团结特别研讨会”,因为她的上一个研究项目涉及难民研究与正义战争理论的交集,并且她在奖学金和社会事务中认真对待了与他人的团结作用。她的个人情感和人际关系。Ami拥有“宽广的肩膀”,并为所有认识她的人提供了极大的支持和帮助,尤其是对她心爱的家人,也是我们杂志董事会成员的Lisa Tessman和他们的女儿Yuval。

阿美(Ami)是宾汉姆顿大学哲学与妇女,性别与性研究的教授,还是人文科学研究高级研究所(IASH)的创始主任,自1991年以来一直在这里任教。她是《暴力主题:阿伦蒂安运动》的作者。了解并编辑藏品,并发表了许多有关女权主义哲学,战争,政治和道德以及犹太身份问题的文章。她的最后一篇文章题为“但这是法西斯主义吗?” 出现在《华尔街日报》成立50周年特刊上,它揭示了她在面对美国(及其他地区)威权主义民粹主义的兴起时所面对的智力上的勇气和敏锐的见解。

