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Safe but fragile: Information acquisition, liquidity support and redemption runs
Journal of Financial Intermediation ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jfi.2020.100898
Philipp J. Koenig , David Pothier

This paper proposes a theory of redemption runs based on strategic information acquisition by fund managers. We argue that liquidity lines provided by third parties can be a source of financial fragility, as they incentivize fund managers to acquire private information about the value of their assets. This strategic information acquisition can lead to inefficient market liquidity dry-ups caused by self-fulfilling fears of adverse selection. By lowering asset prices, information acquisition also reduces the value of funds’ assets-under-management and may spur inefficient redemption runs by investors. Two different regimes can arise: one in which funds’ information acquisition incentives are unaffected by the volume of redemptions, and another where market and funding liquidity risk mutually reinforce each other.



