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Condom Use and HIV/AIDS Among Young People in Edo State, Nigeria
Youth & Society ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-22 , DOI: 10.1177/0044118x20981387
Eric Y. Tenkorang 1

This study used the Information Motivation Behavioral (IMB) skills model to examine condom use among rural youth in Edo State, Nigeria. Data were collected from 4,801 youth aged 11 to 17 years attending Junior Secondary Schools. Analysis focused on 1,749 (Male = 1,134, Female = 615) sexually active youth. Random-effects ordinal logit models were used to examine the effects of the various components of the IMB framework on frequency of condom use. Gender-specific models were estimated. Results provided qualified support for the IMB. Specifically, youth who communicated with teachers and peers about condoms and HIV had higher odds of saying they used condoms always than sometimes or never. Compared to males who did not think they could get HIV, those who thought they probably could get infected were less likely to use condoms frequently. Similarly, compared to those who didn’t, females who knew others infected with HIV were less likely to use condoms frequently.



这项研究使用信息动机行为(IMB)技能模型来检查尼日利亚埃多州农村青年中的安全套使用情况。数据收集自初中的4801名11至17岁的青年。分析的重点是性活跃的青年1,749名(男性= 1,134,女性= 615)。随机效应序数logit模型用于检查IMB框架各个组成部分对安全套使用频率的影响。估计了针对性别的模型。结果为IMB提供了合格的支持。特别是,与教师和同龄人就安全套和艾滋病毒进行沟通的年轻人更有可能说他们总是使用安全套,而有时甚至从未使用过。与不认为自己会感染艾滋病毒的男性相比,那些认为自己可能会感染艾滋病毒的男性很少使用安全套。同样,
