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Coercion and compliance: the politics of the ‘hostile environment’
Race & Class ( IF 2.977 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-12 , DOI: 10.1177/0306396820930929
Liz Fekete

A roundtable discussion on the UK’s ‘hostile environment’ policy (on making life so difficult and unpleasant for certain groups, they would ‘choose’ to leave) from new angles: the weaponisation of deterrence; how the psy-complex is helping to obscure the consideration of material conditions shaping human desperation; the exploitation of and life and death conditions for workers without rights; the difficult questions for BAME and other professionals in ‘caring’ jobs, now tasked with controlling and punishing the rightless; the ways in which immigration control has now become monetarised with money-making targets; organising resistance both from inside and outside to the new human brutalising regimens of state racism and hostility.



从新角度讨论英国的“敌对环境”政策(使某些群体的生活变得如此艰难和不愉快,他们会“选择”离开):威慑的武器化;心理复合体如何帮助掩盖对塑造人类绝望的物质条件的考虑;无权利工人的剥削和生死条件;BAME 和其他专业人士在“关怀”工作中面临的难题,现在他们的任务是控制和惩罚不正当的人;移民控制现在通过赚钱目标货币化的方式;从内部和外部组织抵抗国家种族主义和敌意的新的人类残暴方案。