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Memory as tyranny: A dataist argument for posthuman interconnectivity in Humans and Real Humans
Memory Studies ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-21 , DOI: 10.1177/1750698020982062
Mads Larsen 1

Android fiction has connected memory to personhood in a variety of ways. The Swedish TV series Real Humans (2012–2014) and its British remake Humans (2015–2018) argue that lived experience is insufficient for making memories authentic. If experiences are to be more than data, they must be imprinted with affect or another subjectivizing force. For the humanoid robots themselves, such memories do not anchor their identity in the past, but in the evolutionary potential of their future. The present-day narratives of these series thus function as pre-memories both for androids that must unite around a creative imaginary, and for viewers who are encouraged to prepare for the Fourth Industrial Revolution’s new master-narrative, something akin to Yuval Harari’s dataism, an intersubjective posthumanist creed. Freed from the tyranny of prosthetic and inauthentic memories, the androids join a super-intelligence that offers dataist universal interconnectivity, which is portrayed as a benevolent break with humanism.



Android小说通过多种方式将记忆与人格联系起来。瑞典电视连续剧《真人》(2012-2014)及其英国改编的《人》(2015-2018)认为,生活经验不足以使记忆真实。如果经验不仅仅是数据,则必须在情感或另一种主观力量的影响下留下深刻的印象。对于类人机器人本身,这些记忆并不是过去的身份,而是未来的发展潜力。因此,这些系列的当今叙事既可以作为必须围绕创意虚构而团结的机器人的预记,也可以作为鼓励受到鼓励为第四次工业革命的新主人翁叙事做准备的观众的前记忆,类似于尤瓦尔·哈拉里(Yuval Harari)的数据主义,一个主体间的后人文主义。摆脱了假肢和假货记忆的专制统治,机器人加入了超级智能技术,提供了数据主义的普遍互联性,被描绘为人类主义的仁慈突破。
