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Marketing’s Role in Understanding Political Activity
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-15 , DOI: 10.1177/0743915620949261
Daniel Korschun , Kelly D. Martin , Gautham Vadakkepatt

The global political system is undergoing profound transformations. Political spending is reaching unprecedented heights (particularly in the United States), and much of it is shifting to social media and other nontraditional forms. The way that citizens engage the political system is also changing. For example, in 2020, the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer sparked protests and large demonstrations in cities around the world; a reinvigorated Black Lives Matter movement sparked, among other initiatives, a loosely coordinated global campaign labeled #blackouttuesday, where individuals posted a black square on social media, with a pledge to not post about any topic that day other than racial equality and police brutality (Coscarelli 2020). And companies, which have traditionally confined themselves to neutral positions on political matters, have become increasingly outspoken, sometimes taking public stands for or against elected officials or government policies on the grounds that they have a responsibility to society at large (see Moorman [2020] and Stanley [2020]). These transformations have been as swift as they are dramatic.



全球政治体系正在发生深刻的变化。政治支出正达到前所未有的高度(尤其是在美国),并且大部分正转向社交媒体和其他非传统形式。公民参与政治制度的方式也在改变。例如,在2020年,明尼阿波利斯警察杀死乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)在世界各地的城市引发了抗议和大规模示威;一场充满活力的``黑人生活问题''运动引发了一场名为#blackouttuesday的松散协调的全球运动,该运动在个人在社交媒体上发布了一个黑色方框,并承诺除种族平等和警察暴行外,当天不发布任何话题( Coscarelli 2020)。还有公司 传统上将自己限制在政治事务上的中立立场,现在变得越来越直言不讳,有时他们以对整个社会负有责任为由,对民选官员或政府政策表示或反对公众立场(见Moorman [2020]和Stanley [ 2020])。这些转变是迅速而戏剧性的。