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Introduction to the Special Series: The Evidence for Universal Social Emotional Intervention Effectiveness From Randomized Control Trials for Students With or at Risk for Disabilities
Remedial and Special Education ( IF 3.250 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-07 , DOI: 10.1177/0741932520967651
Melissa Stormont 1 , Wendy M. Reinke 1

This article is an introduction to the special issue on universal social emotional interventions and students with or at risk for disabilities. A series of studies across development demonstrate that students with or at risk for disabilities benefit from universal intervention while they are in general education classrooms. A conceptual framework in which universal interventions are considered vital and that other more intensive interventions are construed as being enveloped within universal supports is presented. Articles in this issue contribute significantly to a greater understanding of the importance of universal social emotional interventions for all students, including those with or at risk for disabilities.



