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Crisis of Wellbeing and Popular Uprising: The Logic of Care as a Path to Social Emancipation in Chile
Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/13569325.2020.1822791
Mia Dragnic

On 3 March, the Health Ministry publicly acknowledged the first case of coronavirus in Chile. By that point, it had been almost five months since the beginning of one of the largest social revolts in the country’s history. This extensive popular uprising has been characterised by the eruption of multiple national protests, and by the appearance and strengthening of diverse, non-traditional political organisations. And while it was sparked by a small increase in subway fares, it has highlighted the build-up of discontent generated by the structures of a deeply unequal society. It is against this backdrop that the COVID-19 pandemic arrives in Chile, a country that, for almost 50 years, has implemented far-reaching neoliberal structural adjustments in an uninterrupted fashion, initially imposed in 1975 by the civil-military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet and deepened by the subsequent democratic governments. The objective of this text is to elaborate a general reflection on the present crisis from within a genealogical framework, one that will foster an analysis of certain elements of the post-dictatorship moment as key to comprehending the present.



3 月 3 日,卫生部公开承认智利出现首例冠状病毒病例。到那时,距离该国历史上最大的社会叛乱之一开始已经将近五个月了。这场广泛的民众起义的特点是爆发了多个全国性的抗议活动,以及出现和加强了各种非传统政治组织。虽然它是由地铁票价的小幅上涨引发的,但它凸显了一个极度不平等的社会结构所产生的不满情绪的积累。正是在这种背景下,COVID-19 大流行来到智利,该国近 50 年来不间断地实施了影响深远的新自由主义结构调整,最初由奥古斯托·皮诺切特 (Augusto Pinochet) 的军民独裁统治于 1975 年强加,并被随后的民主政府深化。本文的目的是从谱系框架内详细阐述对当前危机的一般反思,该框架将促进对后独裁时代的某些要素的分析,这是理解当下的关键。