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Bored, Lonely, Angry, Stupid: Changing Feelings About Technology, From the Telegraph to Twitter by Luke Fernandez and Susan J. Matt (review)
Technology and Culture ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-07
Martina Hessler

Reviewed by:

  • Bored, Lonely, Angry, Stupid: Changing Feelings About Technology, From the Telegraph to Twitter by Luke Fernandez and Susan J. Matt
  • Martina Hessler (bio)
Bored, Lonely, Angry, Stupid: Changing Feelings About Technology, From the Telegraph to Twitter
By Luke Fernandez and Susan J. Matt. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2019. Pp. 464.

The history of emotions is not an established field of research within the history of technology. Even though groundbreaking works have analyzed emotions toward technology, such as David Nye's American Technological Sublime (MIT Press, 1996) or Spencer Weart's Nuclear Fear (Harvard University Press, 2009), this is a rare focus. However, Luke Fernandez and Susan Matt's book demonstrates what a promising field of research this can be.

Their starting point is observing a new American emotional style in the digital age. The authors refer to common contemporary statements about digital media, such as Facebook adding to loneliness or social media encouraging [End Page 1222] narcissism. They juxtapose such statements with a historical study that traces the changes in emotions since the eighteenth century. In doing so, they also demonstrate the importance of a historical contextualization of the digital present.

In six chapters, they offer a thorough analysis of the history of six feelings: narcissism, loneliness, boredom, attention, awe, and anger. The book uses a wide array of sources: nineteenth and twentieth century diaries, letters, memoirs, and advertisements; psychological and sociological studies from the same period; and fifty-five interviews conducted between 2014 and 2018 to capture contemporary self-descriptions of the American emotional world. These interviews represent a small sample with predictable findings, but bring the study to the present day.

In the introduction, the authors briefly outline the state of research in the history of emotions. Further, they refer to the basic consensus of the history of emotions: first, emotions have a history and are changeable; secondly, they are not purely biological, but also culturally shaped. The authors do not mention debates about different approaches, define terms, or provide conceptual considerations on the relationship between technology and emotions, which would have been useful for historians of technology. The aim of the book, however, is to understand a new American emotional style. Briefly and somewhat simplified, the authors summarize their core thesis: "Americans' emotional lives have changed as their society, culture, and technologies have changed. Today many are less humble about themselves and their powers and also less awed by the world around them. They expect constant stimulation, connection, affirmation, and activity, and they are disappointed when these expectations go unmet. This new conception of self breeds a sense of power and also a sense of disappointment" (p. 15). Throughout the book, Fernandez and Matt give voice to different social groups, revealing a variety of norms and experiences of emotions, while effectively describing changes in the broader patterns described in their summary.

Interestingly, Fernandez and Matt describe the early twentieth century as a time of change for each emotion, with the interplay of all six emotions as central to the thesis of a new American emotional style. Only one chapter can be examined here. In the chapter on loneliness, the authors trace changing norms and experiences in a multifaceted way. People suffered from loneliness in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries as well, illustrated by impressive quotes from slaves and workers. However, loneliness was regarded as a part of the human condition; it had to be endured. Loneliness was also considered a divine test, idealized by an individualistic ideology. In the twentieth century, the evaluation of loneliness began to change. It was no longer seen as something to passively endure, but something to actively fight. Around 1900, Lonely Clubs or Less Lonely Leagues emerged in cities. Letters had already been used to maintain social relationships [End Page 1223] from a distance and alleviate feelings of loneliness. Companies advertised radio and telephone as means of combating loneliness. According to the industry's message, loneliness could be fought with technology. In the course of the twentieth century, the negative view of loneliness increased. The term "loner" emerged, and the ability to endure loneliness decreased. Digital media and the Internet were able to tie in seamlessly, and alleviated loneliness...




  • 无聊,孤独,愤怒,愚蠢:改变对技术的看法,从卢克·费尔南德斯(Luke Fernandez)和苏珊·马特(Susan J. Matt)从电报到推特
  • 玛蒂娜·赫斯勒(Martina Hessler)(生物)
作者:卢克·费尔南德斯(Luke Fernandez)和苏珊·马特(Susan J. Matt)。马萨诸塞州剑桥:哈佛大学出版社,2019年。464。

情感史不是技术史内的既定研究领域。即使具有开创性的作品已经分析了对技术的情感,例如戴维·奈(David Nye)的《美国技术崇高》(MIT Press,1996)或斯宾塞·韦尔特(Spencer Weart)的《核恐惧》(Harvard University Press,2009),但很少有人关注。但是,卢克·费尔南德斯(Luke Fernandez)和苏珊·马特(Susan Matt)的书证明了这是一个有希望的研究领域。

他们的出发点是观察数字时代新的美国情感风格。作者参考了当今关于数字媒体的常见声明,例如Facebook增加了孤独感或鼓励[End Page 1222]自恋的社交媒体。他们通过追溯18世纪以来情绪变化的历史研究将这些陈述并列在一起。通过这样做,他们还证明了数字化礼物的历史情境化的重要性。



