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Massive haemoptysis: an unusual connection
Thorax ( IF 9.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-01 , DOI: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2020-216519
Aimee Leadbetter 1 , Quentin Jones 2 , Paul Foley 3 , Andy Beale 4

A 60-year-old man presented with a 4-day history of small volume haemoptysis. His medical history revealed a pericardiectomy with pericardial window creation for severe constrictive pericarditis secondary to seropositive rheumatoid arthritis in 1997 and pulmonary tuberculosis aged 7, with a treated recurrence in 2005. He was a lifelong smoker of 20 cigarettes per day. He lived independently. His regular medication included prednisolone 10 mg and meloxicam. On examination, he looked unwell. His heart rate was 140, respiratory rate 22 and oxygen saturations 96% on air. Auscultation revealed crepitations at the left lung base. He had 500 mL of brisk haemoptysis. His haemoglobin fell from 85 to 73 g/L. Inflammatory markers were raised (C reactive protein 169 mg/L, white cell count 14.7×109/L, neutrophil count 12.9×109/L), prothrombin time ratio was mildly raised (1.4), platelet count …



一名 60 岁男性,因小量咯血 4 天就诊。他的病史显示,1997 年因血清反应阳性类风湿性关节炎继发的严重缩窄性心包炎和 7 岁肺结核,2005 年治疗复发,进行了心包切除术和心包开窗手术。他是每天 20 支香烟的终生吸烟者。他独立生活。他的常规药物包括泼尼松龙 10 毫克和美洛昔康。检查时,他看起来很不舒服。他的心率为 140,呼吸频率为 22,氧饱和度为 96%。听诊发现左肺底部有捻发音。他有 500 毫升的轻快咯血。他的血红蛋白从 85 下降到 73 g/L。炎症标志物升高(C 反应蛋白 169 mg/L,白细胞计数 14.7×109/L,中性粒细胞计数 12.9×109/L),