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Year-round sexual segregation in the Pyrenean chamois, a nearly monomorphic polygynous herbivore
Behavioural Processes ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.beproc.2020.104300
Jean-Paul Crampe , Jean-François Gerard , Michel Goulard , Cyril Milleret , Georges Gonzalez , Richard Bon

Adult females and males live apart outside the mating period in many social vertebrates, but the causes of this phenomenon remain a matter of debate. Current prevailing hypotheses predict no sexual segregation outside the early period of maternal care in nearly monomorphic species such as the Pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica). We examined sexual segregation in a population of the species, using data collected over 143 consecutive months on groups' location and composition, and extending statistical procedures introduced by Conradt (1998b) and Bonenfant et al. (2007). In addition, we analysed the social interactions recorded between group members. As expected, habitat segregation was low throughout the year, with a maximum during the early lactation period. However, social and spatial segregation was consistently high, contradicting the predictions of the current prevailing hypotheses, while suggesting social causes were predominant. The scarcity of social interactions outside the mating season makes unlikely the hypothesis that males segregate to improve their reproductive success. We rather suspect that higher social affinities within than between the two sexes are at work. However, this hypothesis alone is probably insufficient to account for spatial segregation. Our results should revive the debate regarding the causes of sexual segregation.



在许多社会脊椎动物中,成年雌性和雄性在交配期之外分开生活,但这种现象的原因仍然存在争议。当前流行的假设预测,在几乎单一形态的物种(例如比利牛斯羚羊(Rupicapra pyrenaica))中,在早期母体护理之外没有性别隔离。我们使用连续 143 个月收集的关于群体位置和组成的数据,并扩展了 Conradt (1998b) 和 Bonenfant 等人引入的统计程序,研究了该物种种群中的性别隔离。(2007)。此外,我们分析了小组成员之间记录的社交互动。正如预期的那样,栖息地隔离全年都很低,在泌乳早期达到最大值。然而,社会和空间隔离一直很高,与当前流行的假设的预测相矛盾,同时表明社会原因占主导地位。交配季节之外社交互动的稀缺使得雄性隔离以提高繁殖成功率的假设不太可能。我们更倾向于怀疑两性之间比内部更高的社会亲和力在起作用。然而,仅凭这一假设可能不足以解释空间隔离。我们的结果应该会重新引发关于性别隔离原因的辩论。我们更倾向于怀疑两性之间比内部更高的社会亲和力在起作用。然而,仅凭这一假设可能不足以解释空间隔离。我们的结果应该会重新引发关于性别隔离原因的辩论。我们更倾向于怀疑两性之间比内部更高的社会亲和力在起作用。然而,仅凭这一假设可能不足以解释空间隔离。我们的结果应该会重新引发关于性别隔离原因的辩论。