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Interactive effects of temperature and water exchange of depuration tanks on geosmin excretion by Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Aquaculture ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2021.736358
Edward Schram , Christiaan Kwadijk , Ewout Blom , Johan A.J. Verreth , Albertinka J. Murk , Johan W. Schrama

Fish farmers utilize the reversibility of the bioconcentration process to depurate geosmin and other off- flavour causing chemicals from their fish by placing them in clean water just before harvest. To better understand and improve this process, we investigated effects of temperature and water exchange of depuration tanks on geosmin elimination from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Fish loaded with geosmin were depurated for 144 h during which they were subjected to combinations of water exchange (stagnant water or a water exchange rate of ~1200 L/kg fish/d) and temperature (~11.5 or ~14.5 °C) treatments. Model predictions indicated enhanced depuration by water exchange, elevated temperature and interactive effects of these two factors, plus geosmin accumulation in the depuration tank water. The latter was predicted but not observed in the experiment. Furthermore the elevated temperature did not enhance geosmin elimination from Atlantic salmon, possibly because in the tanks with water exchange, temperature treatments did not cause differences in oxygen levels and thus gill ventilation rates. The water exchange significantly increased geosmin elimination from Atlantic salmon, indicating that removal of excreted geosmin from the direct environment of this fish is needed to obtain maximal geosmin elimination from the fish.


净化池的温度和水交换对大西洋鲑(Salmo salar)排泄的土臭素的交互作用

养鱼者利用其生物浓缩过程的可逆性,在捕捞前将其置于干净的水中,从鱼中净化土臭味素和其他引起异味的化学物质。为了更好地理解和改进此过程,我们研究了净化池的温度和水交换对大西洋鲑(Salmo salar)去除土臭素的影响)。将装满土臭素的鱼净化144小时,在此期间,将它们进行水交换(死水或水交换速率约为1200 L / kg鱼/天)和温度(约11.5或〜14.5°C)处理。模型预测表明,通过交换水,升高的温度和这两个因素的相互作用,增强了净化效果,此外还有净化池水中的土臭素积累。后者是预测的,但在实验中未观察到。此外,升高的温度并未增强从大西洋鲑鱼中去除土臭素的可能,这可能是因为在进行水交换的水箱中,温度处理不会引起氧气水平的差异,从而不会导致g通风率的差异。进行水交换大大提高了从大西洋鲑鱼中去除土臭素的能力,
