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Assessment of water and sanitation systems at Palestinian healthcare facilities: pre- and post-COVID-19
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s10661-020-08791-4
Fathi Anayah 1 , Issam A Al-Khatib 2 , Banan Hejaz 3

The availability of safe drinking water and the proper management of wastewater in healthcare facilities are important pillars for maintaining safety of workers, patients, and visitors and protecting human health and environment. Water and sanitation services at 495 healthcare facilities in the West Bank of Palestine are assessed using the results of PCBS and MoH (2014) survey study. Services are reassessed after the COVID-10 pandemic using personal interviews with experts from healthcare facilities, regulatory authorities, and service providers. The results show that 92.1% of healthcare facilities were connected to public water networks, 12.9% of them purchased water tanks, and 10.8% of them depended on harvested rainwater which may cause contamination and waterborne diseases. Regardless the source of freshwater, the water quality has to be regularly examined and compared to local guidelines and international standards for health promotion. Almost 63.4% of healthcare facilities were not connected to wastewater networks and used either tight or porous cesspits. Once these cesspits are filled off, wastewater is randomly disposed into nearby valleys causing adverse environmental impacts on air, water, and land resources. Medical wastewater of hazardous substances should be treated before discharged to wastewater networks. Experts assured that although heightened procedures have been made by service providers to curb the spread of the COVID-19 disease, yet, more consistent protocols and stringent procedures are crucial. There have not been any new directives or procedures regarding the management of water supplies and wastewater services in the healthcare facilities. Stakeholder collaboration can help prevent the COVID-19 disease.


评估巴勒斯坦医疗机构的水和卫生系统:COVID-19 前后

医疗机构中安全饮用水的供应和废水的适当管理是维护工人、患者和访客安全以及保护人类健康和环境的重要支柱。使用 PCBS 和 MoH(2014 年)调查研究的结果评估了巴勒斯坦西岸 495 家医疗机构的供水和卫生服务。在 COVID-10 大流行之后,通过与来自医疗机构、监管机构和服务提供商的专家的个人访谈,重新评估服务。结果显示,92.1%的医疗机构接入了公共供水网络,12.9%的医疗机构购买了水箱,10.8%的医疗机构依赖收集的雨水,可能导致污染和水传播疾病。不管淡水的来源,必须定期检查水质,并与当地的指导方针和促进健康的国际标准进行比较。几乎 63.4% 的医疗保健设施没有连接到废水网络,并且使用了紧密或多孔的污水坑。一旦这些污水坑被填满,废水就会随机排放到附近的山谷中,对空气、水和土地资源造成不利的环境影响。含有有害物质的医疗废水在排入污水管网前应进行处理。专家们保证,尽管服务提供商已经采取了更严格的程序来遏制 COVID-19 疾病的传播,但更一致的协议和严格的程序至关重要。没有任何关于医疗机构供水和废水服务管理的新指令或程序。利益相关者的合作可以帮助预防 COVID-19 疾病。
