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Exposure levels to PM 2.5 and black carbon for people with disabilities in rural homes of Colombia
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s10661-020-08803-3
Leonel Alexander Martínez Vallejo , Mario Andrés Hernández Pardo , John Alexander Benavides Piracón , Luis Carlos Belalcázar Cerón , Nancy Jeanet Molina Achury

Indoor exposure to air pollutants emitted by solid fuels used for cooking or heating homes remains as a problem to solve. The most affected people are newborns, mothers, children, and people with disabilities, due to the time they spend at home. This study is the first in a rural area of South America, which measures indoor air pollutants (PM2.5 and black carbon) in different environments, inhabited by people with disabilities. The research was supported through a sociodemographic characterization, a methodology useful for future studies, continuous monitoring for 72 h of pollutants, and emission sources, cooking habits, and pre-existing diseases were identified. The primary sources of emissions are improved wood-burning stoves and their chimney. In households where firewood is used, the average concentrations of PM2.5 were the highest (between 10.9 and 3302.5 μg/m3), as were the average concentrations of BC (average 72 h between 2.6 and 51.2 μg/m3) compared with the houses that use gas (average 72 h between 2.6 and 6 μg/m3). In 57% of the households visited, the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for PM2.5 (25 μg/m3 for 24 h) were exceeded. The results reveal that rural concentrations of BC can be up to 2.5 times higher than those of an urban area with high vehicular traffic and high population density and could be used to establish a baseline that allows the implementation of control mechanisms to reduce pollution of indoor air.


哥伦比亚农村家庭中残疾人的PM 2.5和黑碳暴露水平

室内暴露于用于烹饪或取暖房屋的固体​​燃料所排放的空气污染物仍然是需要解决的问题。受其影响最严重的是新生儿,母亲,儿童和残疾人,因为他们在家里度过的时间。这项研究是南美农村地区的一项首次测量室内空气污染物的方法(PM 2.5和黑炭)在不同的环境中,并由残疾人居住。这项研究得到了社会人口学特征的支持,该方法可用于未来研究,持续监测72小时的污染物以及排放源,烹饪习惯和已存在的疾病。排放的主要来源是改进的燃木炉具及其烟囱。在使用木柴户,PM的平均浓度2.5是最高的(10.9和3302.5微克/立方米之间3),因为是BC的平均浓度(平均72小时2.6和51.2微克/立方米之间3)与比较使用天然气的房屋(平均72 h在2.6和6μg/ m 3之间)。在访问的57%的家庭中,超出了世界卫生组织(WHO)的PM 2.5指南(24小时25μg/ m 3)。结果表明,农村地区的卑诗省浓度可高达车辆流量高和人口密度高的市区的2.5倍,并可用于建立基线,以实施控制机制以减少室内空气污染。
