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“Pemalang pusere Jawa“: A City Branding Model in Promoting Tourism Destination of Pemalang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Society ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-31 , DOI: 10.33019/society.v8i2.164
Riska Rahayu 1 , Achmad Nurmandi 1 , Salahudin Salahudin 2 , Dian Suluh Kusuma Dewi 3

This research aims to analyze the City Branding model “Pemalang pusere Jawa” in Pemalang Regency, which focuses on the strategy of the Government to develop a new brand of Pemalang. “Pemalang pusere Jawa” has shown an impact on increasing tourism in Pemalang, Central Java, Indonesia. The Government supports the success of the City Branding program, and the people involved in the program, stakeholders, and culture, to boost tourism, which will have an impact on the economic sector and increase tourism significantly. Data were analyzed using the Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) approach in qualitative research that defines and explains distribution characteristics. The data were collected through interviews with six key informants who were selected using a purposive sampling technique. Document studies were also conducted to support data analysis. This research uses the NVivo 12 Plus application to analyze data consisting of Concept Maps, Group Analysis, and Cluster Analysis. There are three points found in this study, consisting of 1) Program; the program is based on Pemalang Regent Regulation Number 27/2017 Article 7 concerning Utilization and Implementation of the City Branding Logo. The branding “Pemalang pusere Jawa” was launched in 2016 and the Visit Pemalang application is used to assist tourists in exploring tourism in Pemalang or known as a tour guide application. A Visit Pemalang application makes users easier to find tourism sites in Pemalang Regency by displaying the distance from the users’ location to the destination. 2) Partnership; this program is supported by infrastructure stakeholders consisting of the Planalogy Team, the Architect Team, and the Economic Development Expert Team. Program implementation involves the Government and the Community. 3) Culture; various annual events are held as an effort to preserve culture in Pemalang such as “Festival Wong Gunung” and other annual events. Community involvement in the implementation of City Branding is one of the success factors of the program.


“ Pemalang pusere Jawa”:一种促进印尼中爪哇省Pemalang摄政区旅游目的地的城市品牌模型

这项研究旨在分析Pemalang摄政区的城市品牌模式“ Pemalang pusere Jawa”,其重点是政府开发Pemalang新品牌的策略。“ Pemalang pusere Jawa”对印度尼西亚中爪哇省Pemalang的旅游业增长产生了影响。政府支持城市品牌计划的成功以及该计划的参与人员,利益相关者和文化的发展,以促进旅游业的发展,这将对经济部门产生影响并大大增加旅游业。在定性研究中使用探索性数据分析(EDA)方法对数据进行了分析,该方法定义并解释了分布特征。数据是通过采访六名关键人物而收集的,他们是采用有目的抽样技术选出的。还进行了文献研究以支持数据分析。本研究使用NVivo 12 Plus应用程序来分析由概念图,组分析和聚类分析组成的数据。本研究发现三点,包括:1)程序;该程序基于《 Pemalang摄政法规》第27/2017号第7条有关使用和实施城市品牌徽标的规定。“ Pemalang pusere Jawa”品牌于2016年推出,Visit Pemalang应用程序用于协助游客探索Pemalang的旅游业或称为导游应用程序。Visit Pemalang应用程序通过显示从用户位置到目的地的距离,使用户更容易在Pemalang Regency中找到旅游景点。2)伙伴关系;该计划得到基础设施利益相关者的支持,这些利益相关者包括规划团队,架构师团队,和经济发展专家组。计划的实施涉及政府和社区。3)文化;为了保护帕玛朗的文化,每年都会举办各种大型活动,例如“黄冈节”和其他年度活动。社区参与实施城市品牌推广是该计划成功的因素之一。