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Defining Christian Palestinianism: Words Matter
Middle East Policy ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-06-01 , DOI: 10.1111/mepo.12266
Hans Morten Haugen 1

Western churches have over the last 10-15 years made repeated calls for a just peace in the IsraelPalestine conflict. This includes adoption of measures referred to as BDS (boycott, divestment, sanctions) and calls to their respective governments to put stronger pressure on Israel to bring an end to the 1967 occupation. Calls to boycott settlement products or divest from companies operating in a settlement, or providing crucial equipment to the Israeli separation barrier — most of it built inside the 1967 borders — have been strongly resented by other Christian actors,1 who believe these churches are deceiving Israel and revitalizing the anti-Judaism that has been a shameful part of the history of Western churches. Many of these actors self-identify with Christian Zionism, which some term Biblical Zionism. The latter term has a broader appeal than “Christian” when engaging Jews. For simplicity, the acronym CZ is used in this article to encompass different forms of Christian Zionism, defined by the leading scholar Robert O. Smith as follows: A politically mobilized strand of Christian fundamentalism committed to preserving Jewish control over all of historic Palestine to ensure the realization of the movement’s own end-time hopes.2



在过去的 10 到 15 年里,西方教会一再呼吁在以色列巴勒斯坦冲突中实现公正的和平。这包括采取称为 BDS(抵制、撤资、制裁)的措施,并呼吁各自政府向以色列施加更大的压力,以结束 1967 年的占领。呼吁抵制定居点产品或从在定居点经营的公司撤资,或为以色列隔离墙提供关键设备——其中大部分是在 1967 年边界内建造的——遭到其他基督徒行为者的强烈不满,1他们认为这些教会正在欺骗以色列并重振反犹太教,这一直是西方教会历史上可耻的一部分。许多这些演员自我认同基督教犹太复国主义,有人称之为圣经犹太复国主义。在与犹太人接触时,后一个术语比“基督徒”具有更广泛的吸引力。为简单起见,本文使用首字母缩略词 CZ 来涵盖不同形式的基督教犹太复国主义,由著名学者罗伯特·O·史密斯 (Robert O. Smith) 定义如下: 政治动员的基督教原教旨主义的一部分,致力于保护犹太人对整个历史悠久的巴勒斯坦的控制,以确保实现运动自己的末日希望。 2