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Extensive Paleolithic Flint Extraction and Reduction Complexes in the Nahal Dishon Central Basin, Upper Galilee, Israel
Journal of World Prehistory ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2016-09-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s10963-016-9097-9
Meir Finkel , Avi Gopher , Ran Barkai

Recently found open-air flint extraction and workshop sites in the Eastern Galilee, Israel, are the focus of this paper. Lithic assemblages from among a few of the thousands of tailing piles documented in a field survey, indicate mostly late Lower Palaeolithic/Middle Palaeolithic and rarely Neolithic/Chalcolithic affinities. These discoveries substantially increase our knowledge of the scope of lithic extraction and reduction in northern Israel in these periods. The new sites are located on a 25 km2 outcrop of flint-bearing Eocene limestone indicating intensive extraction of large amounts of flint, possibly beyond immediate local consumption requirements. After describing the new sites, we discuss their relation to nearby Middle and Lower Palaeolithic sites; possible resource management scenarios; chronology and duration of the extraction and reduction activity; and the sites as possible landmarks. A key question is the extent of the flint distribution area, or, more precisely, whether this region was a dominant mega-quarry for northern Israel and/or Southern Lebanon in the periods discussed.


以色列上加利利Nahal Dishon中央盆地广泛的旧石器时代火石提取和还原复合物

本文的重点是最近在以色列东加利利发现的露天火石提取场和车间。现场调查中记录的数千个尾矿桩中的岩性组合表明,主要是下旧石器时代/中旧石器时代的晚期,而很少出现新石器时代/石器时代的亲和力。这些发现大大增加了我们对这些时期以色列北部的岩性开采和还原范围的了解。新地点位于25 km 2含E石的始新世石灰岩露头表明大量石的密集开采,可能超出了当地的即时消费需求。在描述了这些新遗址之后,我们讨论了它们与附近的中下古石器遗址的关系。可能的资源管理方案;提取和还原活动的时间顺序和持续时间;并将这些地点作为可能的地标。一个关键的问题是int石分布区域的范围,或者更确切地说,在所讨论的时期内,该地区是否是以色列北部和/或黎巴嫩南部的主要大型采石场。