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Gardens on the coast: Considerations on food production by Brazilian shellmound builders
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jaa.2020.101211
Rita Scheel-Ybert , Célia Boyadjian

Shellmounds of different sizes and characteristics mark the landscape along the Southern and Southeastern Brazilian coast, attesting to a multimillennial occupation that is dated from at least 8500 until 1000 calibrated years before present. Their builders are currently recognized as fisher-gatherers, and until quite recently plants were thought to represent only a minor part of their diet. However, evidence of wild and domesticated plant remains obtained from diverse proxies across sites, contexts, and chronologies point to a different scenario. The importance of a variety of tubers, fruits, and seeds, including yam, sweet potato, leren, squash, and maize has been documented. The evidence demonstrates that shellmound builders subsisted in a system of mixed economy, where fishing and gathering were associated with horticulture. They modified the landscape, tended home gardens, and exploited substantial amounts of tuberous crops. This paper discusses the significance of plant remains to a low-level food production system while contextualizing them over the landscape.



