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Controversies and restrictions of visual representation of prophets in northern Nigerian popular culture
Journal of African Media Studies ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2017-03-01 , DOI: 10.1386/jams.9.1.17_1
Abdalla Uba Adamu 1

Generally, images in art forms occupy a controversial position in the Islamic world. The Sunni branch of Islam, considered more conservative and strict does not approve or condone representational art of the human form for fear that it would eventually turn into an object of worship. The Shi’ite branch of Islam, however, has a radically opposing perspective and consequently allows figurative representation in its art forms. The situation becomes more complicated when it comes to depicting prophets, who, starting from the Prophet Muhammad, are prohibited in Sunni Islam from being figuratively represented in any form. This article discusses the representation of spirituality in religious media in Nigeria, especially the reception of the representation of Biblical and Islamic prophets in dubbed Iranian films targeted at popular culture consumption. I situate my discussion within the matrix of social control and censorship in northern Nigerian Muslim cultures. 2_JAMS_9.1_Abdalla_17-31.indd 17 4/28/17 12:45 PM



一般来说,艺术形式的图像在伊斯兰世界中占据着有争议的地位。伊斯兰教的逊尼派分支,被认为更为保守和严格,不赞成或宽恕人形的代表性艺术,因为担心它最终会变成崇拜的对象。然而,伊斯兰教的什叶派分支有一个完全相反的观点,因此允许在其艺术形式中进行形象化的表现。在描绘先知时,情况变得更加复杂,从先知穆罕默德开始,逊尼派伊斯兰教禁止以任何形式对先知进行比喻。本文讨论了尼日利亚宗教媒体中灵性的表现,特别是在以流行文化消费为目标的伊朗配音电影中对圣经和伊斯兰先知的表现的接受。我将我的讨论置于尼日利亚北部穆斯林文化的社会控制和审查制度中。2_JAMS_9.1_Abdalla_17-31.indd 17 4/28/17 下午 12:45