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Feminism and Advertising: Responses To Sexual Ads Featuring Women
Journal of Advertising Research ( IF 3.031 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-24 , DOI: 10.2501/jar-2020-010
Hojoon Choi , Kyunga Yoo , Tom Reichert , Temple Northup

ABSTRACT Recent studies indicate that U.S. consumers' feminist attitudes can influence positively their evaluations of sexual images of women in advertisements. This study tested the generalizability of that finding in Korea—a country with a much different cultural background. Employing the Feminist Perspectives Scale, which provides a more complex view of feminist attitudes, the results reaffirm the positive effect of feminist attitudes in general but also show that consumers holding conservative and liberal feminist perspectives evaluated more favorably—and deemed more ethical—sexual advertisements featuring women, compared with consumers with a radical feminist perspective. In sum, feminist attitudes and their effects on responses to sexual advertisements are not monolithic and are somewhat counterintuitive—important information for marketers to consider.



摘要最近的研究表明,美国消费者的女权主义态度可以对他们对广告中女性性形象的评价产生积极影响。这项研究检验了这一发现在具有不同文化背景的韩国的普遍性。结果使用“女权主义观点量表”(Feminist Perspectives Scale)提供了更为复杂的女权主义观点,该结果再次肯定了女权主义态度的积极作用,但同时表明,持有保守主义和自由主义女权主义观点的消费者对其评价更为有利,并被认为更具道德性。女性与具有激进女性主义观点的消费者相比。总共,