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Towards an archipelagraphic literary methodology: reading the archipelago in Julieta Campos’ The Fear of Losing Eurydice
Island Studies Journal ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-01 , DOI: 10.24043/isj.37
Dani Redd

Despite the recent archipelagraphic turn in island studies, there have been few literary studies of the archipelago. This paper has three aims. The first is to bring to light an archipelagraphic literary text that has not yet been explored in Island Studies Journal: Cuban writer Julieta Campos’s The Fear of Losing Eurydice. The second is to develop ‘archipelagraphy’ (a term coined by DeLoughrey) into a methodology for reading literary texts, putting it into practice through an analysis of The Fear of Losing Eurydice. This archipelagraphic analysis reveals that Campos’ text destabilizes the concept of the island as tabula rasa, an end-goal in a utopian quest. Instead utopia emerges as a call uttered by multiple voices across different times and spaces, resulting in the ‘archipelago of desire’ motif. This emancipatory cartography remaps western geographies of centre and periphery, instead stressing the connections between the Caribbean, Asia, Europe, and Africa. The paper’s final aim is to provide a working definition of an archipelagraphic text.



尽管最近岛屿研究转向群岛学,但对群岛的文学研究却很少。本文有三个目的。首先是要揭露尚未在《岛屿研究》杂志上探讨过的考古学文学文本:古巴作家朱丽叶·坎波斯(Julieta Campos)的《害怕失去尤里迪斯》。第二个方法是将“ archipelagraphy”(由DeLoughrey创造的一个术语)发展为一种阅读文学作品的方法,并通过对《对失去的尤里迪斯的恐惧》的分析将其付诸实践。这份考古学分析表明,坎波斯的文字破坏了该岛的概念,即乌托邦最终目标塔布拉·拉萨(tabula rasa)。取而代之的是,乌托邦是由在不同时间和空间的多种声音发出的呼叫而产生的,从而产生了“欲望的archipelago”主题。这种解放性的制图重新绘制了中部和外围的西方地理分布,而是强调了加勒比海,亚洲,欧洲和非洲之间的联系。该文件的最终目的是提供一个考古学文本的有效定义。