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Arms, Alliances, and Patron-Client Relationships
International Security ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1162/isec_c_00307
Tongfi Kim , Keren Yarhi-Milo , Alexander Lanoszka , Zack Cooper

In “To Arm or to Ally?” Keren Yarhi-Milo, Alexander Lanoszka, and Zack Cooper present an elegant and powerful theory that explains conditions under which a great power (in their case, the United States) offers a client state arms, an alliance commitment, or both.1 Their article does not give due attention, however, to what motivates a patron to provide security assistance to clients in the arst place—especially its desire to inouence its clients to obtain concessions in military, political, economic, and other policies.2 Below I explain how Yarhi-Milo, Lanoszka, and Cooper’s conceptualization of key variables inadvertently plays down the role of inouence-seeking in U.S. policy. First, Yarhi-Milo, Lanoszka, and Cooper’s conceptualization of arms transfers does not reoect the wide range of ways in which a patron can support a client and the signiacant differences among the types of arms transfers with regard to buying inouence. Their conceptualization of arms transfers, in which “a state gives another state weapons to augment its military capabilities” (p. 95), “covers multiple methods of provision, including sales, grants, and loans” (p. 97). As they discuss at the beginning of the article, however, the United States spends large sums of money on security assistance worldwide, a signiacant portion of which is spent on things other than U.S. arms (p. 91). Israel, for example, has been allowed by the U.S. government to use about



在“武装还是盟友?” Keren Yarhi-Milo、Alexander Lanoszka 和 Zack Cooper 提出了一个优雅而有力的理论,解释了一个大国(在他们的例子中是美国)提供附庸国武器、联盟承诺或两者兼而有之的条件。 1 他们的文章然而,没有给予应有的关注,促使赞助人首先向客户提供安全援助——尤其是其希望影响其客户在军事、政治、经济和其他政策方面获得让步的愿望。 2 下面我将解释如何Yarhi-Milo、Lanoszka 和 Cooper 对关键变量的概念化无意中淡化了寻求影响力在美国政策中的作用。第一,雅希-米洛,拉诺什卡,和 Cooper 对武器转让的概念化并没有反映赞助人可以支持客户的广泛方式以及武器转让类型之间在购买影响方面的显着差异。他们对武器转让的概念化,其中“一个国家向另一个国家提供武器以增强其军事能力”(第 95 页),“涵盖多种提供方法,包括销售、赠款和贷款”(第 97 页)。然而,正如他们在文章开头所讨论的那样,美国在世界范围内的安全援助上花费了大量资金,其中很大一部分花在了美国武器之外的其他东西上(第 91 页)。例如,以色列已被美国政府允许使用约 其中“一国向另一国提供武器以增强其军事能力”(第 95 页),“涵盖多种提供方式,包括销售、赠款和贷款”(第 97 页)。然而,正如他们在文章开头所讨论的那样,美国在世界范围内的安全援助上花费了大量资金,其中很大一部分花在了美国武器之外的其他东西上(第 91 页)。例如,以色列已被美国政府允许使用约 其中“一国向另一国提供武器以增强其军事能力”(第 95 页),“涵盖多种提供方式,包括销售、赠款和贷款”(第 97 页)。然而,正如他们在文章开头所讨论的那样,美国在世界范围内的安全援助上花费了大量资金,其中很大一部分花在了美国武器之外的其他东西上(第 91 页)。例如,以色列已被美国政府允许使用约