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Institutional enforcement, signaling, and deliberation: Rock climbers attempting to maintain rules and norms through social sanctioning
International Journal of the Commons ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-08 , DOI: 10.18352/ijc.878
David Paul Carter

Scholars have long recognized the importance of social sanctions in enforcing rules and norms. This paper draws attention to additional functions that social sanctioning serves in institutional maintenance - signaling and deliberation - and compares how these functions differ across cases of externally imposed rules and community-derived norms. The examination is conducted through a comparative case analysis of self-governance in rock climbing communities. In one case, a climber’s infraction of land management regulations instituted to protect nesting raptors not only violates climbing institutions, but may pose a threat to access to a popular climbing area. In a second case, a climber’s installation of climbing bolts in an area of historical climbing significance violates long-held community norms, without breaching formal rules. In both cases, the transgressors experience social sanctions online (i.e. on the internet), and face off-line consequences. Study findings suggest that social sanctions serve multiple functions in the maintenance of rock climbing institutions, and that these functions vary depending on the type of the institution that is violated. The article closes with the implications of study findings for the broader understanding of community institutions and institutional maintenance.



长期以来,学者们已经认识到社会制裁对执行规则和规范的重要性。本文提请人们注意社会制裁在机构维护中所发挥的附加功能-信号传递和审议-并比较这些功能在外部施加的规则和社区衍生的规范之间的区别。该考试是通过对攀岩社区自治的比较案例分析进行的。在一个案例中,攀岩者违反了为保护筑巢猛禽而制定的土地管理规定,这不仅违反了攀岩机构,而且可能对进入受欢迎的攀岩区构成威胁。在第二种情况下,在具有历史意义的重要攀登区域中,攀登者安装攀登螺栓违反了长期存在的社区规范,而没有违反正式规则。在这两种情况下 违法者在网上(即在互联网上)受到社会制裁,并面临离线后果。研究结果表明,社会制裁在维护攀岩机构中起着多种作用,而这些职能根据违规机构的类型而有所不同。本文以研究结果对社区机构和机构维护的更广泛理解的含义作为结尾。