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The history of Andøya Rocket Range
History of Geo- and Space Sciences ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-07 , DOI: 10.5194/hgss-9-141-2018
Eivind V. Thrane

Abstract. Just 5 years after Sputnik, on 18 August 1962, Norway launched the first sounding rocket from Andoya in northern Norway. The establishment of Andoya Rocket Range (ARR), in the Arctic and right in the middle of the night-time auroral zone, gave the scientists unique opportunities for studies of the complex processes in the auroral ionosphere and upper atmosphere. In close cooperation with the users, ARR gradually developed its technical and scientific infrastructure and is now one of the world's leading observatories in this field. ARR has also established a launch site at Svalbard, and sounding rockets from both ranges can reach far into the Arctic to study the cusp region and the daytime aurora. The ground-based instruments comprise sophisticated radars and lidars as well as passive instruments. ARR also plays an active role in space education. In 2014 Andoya Rocket Range changed its name to Andoya Space Center (ASC; https://www.andoyaspace.no , last access: 23 November 2018). This change reflects the fact that the activities now comprise much more than sounding rocket launches. ASC is an important company both nationally and in the local community of Andenes. ASC now has a staff of 95 and an annual turnover of NOK 150 million.



摘要。1962年8月18日,人造卫星仅5年后,挪威就从挪威北部的安多亚发射了第一枚探空火箭。在北极和夜间极光带中间的北极安第亚火箭靶场(ARR)的建立,为科学家们提供了研究极光电离层和高层大气复杂过程的独特机会。通过与用户的紧密合作,ARR逐渐发展了其技术和科学基础设施,现已成为该领域的世界领先观测站之一。ARR还在斯瓦尔巴特群岛建立了发射场,来自两个射程的探空火箭都可以到达北极,以研究风口区域和白天的极光。地面仪器包括复杂的雷达和激光雷达以及无源仪器。ARR在太空教育中也发挥着积极作用。2014年,安多亚火箭靶场更名为安多亚航天中心(ASC; https://www.andoyaspace.no,最后访问时间:2018年11月23日)。这一变化反映了这样一个事实,即现在的活动不仅包括探空火箭发射。ASC在全国和当地的Andenes都是重要的公司。ASC现在拥有95名员工,年营业额为1.5亿挪威克朗。