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Preface to the special issue “The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics: from different spheres to a common globe”
History of Geo- and Space Sciences ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-16 , DOI: 10.5194/hgss-10-17-2019
Jo Ann Joselyn , Alik Ismail-Zadeh

Many environmental challenges facing society since the last century require international solutions. Examples include exploration of the Earth and its environment in space; exploration of our rivers, oceans, and atmosphere; climate change; securing clean water and energy; and understanding and mitigating disasters due to natural hazard events. Earth and space sciences lie at the heart of these challenges and occupy a central role in international agendas. The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) has been coordinating and promoting international efforts in Earth and space sciences since 1919. Under IUGG’s umbrella, eight international scientific associations and several interdisciplinary bodies cover many disciplines of geoand space sciences and promote research of the Earth from its core and its space environment up to the Sun. Thousands of scientists from many nations and specific scientific disciplines have developed ways of cooperation through IUGG’s international associations and learned how to work together to promote geosciences. IUGG has been initiating, developing, and implementing international cooperative programs; setting scientific standards; developing research tools; educating and building capacity; and contributing to science for policy and science diplomacy. The purpose of this special issue (SI) is not to relay a definitive history of the development of international cooperation in the geosciences, but to summarize IUGG’s remarkable role during the 100-year span of its existence. The first part of the SI “The union: bringing together geophysical disciplines” begins with the present overview of the IUGG mission and structure, and the circumstances of its founding and early development are presented up to the beginning of World War II. The second article starts with recovery after World War II and addresses the years of extraordinary development of geophysical science through the International Geophysical Year (IGY; 1957–1958) and the concurrent evolution of IUGG structure and programs extending up to the General Assembly of 1999. The rapid advances that have occurred thus far into the 21st century are reviewed in the third article, and foresights on IUGG future development conclude this first part of the SI. Outstanding histories of each of the IUGG associations are then told. The second part of the SI “Around the earth: glaciers, rivers, air, and oceans” presents articles about the histories of the International Association of Cryospheric Sciences (IACS: past, present, and future of the International Association of Cryospheric Sciences), the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS: a brief history of hydrology), the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS: a century of international cooperation in atmospheric sciences), and the International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (IAPSO: tales from the ocean frontier). The third part of the SI “Within and on the earth: gravity, magnets, earthquakes, and volcanoes” presents articles about the histories of the International Association of Geodesy (The International Association of Geodesy: from an ideal sphere to an irregular body subjected to global change), the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy



自上个世纪以来,社会面临的许多环境挑战都需要国际解决方案。例子包括探索地球及其在太空中的环境;探索我们的河流,海洋和大气层;气候变化;确保清洁的水和能源;以及了解和减轻自然灾害事件造成的灾难。地球和空间科学是这些挑战的核心,在国际议程中发挥着核心作用。自1919年以来,国际大地测量与地球物理学联合会(IUGG)一直在协调和促进国际在地球与空间科学方面的努力。在IUGG的保护下,八个国际科学协会和几个跨学科机构涵盖了地球与空间科学的许多学科,并促进了地球研究从它的核心,空间环境到太阳。来自许多国家和特定科学学科的成千上万的科学家通过IUGG的国际协会开发了合作方式,并了解了如何共同促进地球科学。IUGG一直在发起,发展和实施国际合作计划;制定科学标准;开发研究工具;教育和能力建设;为政策和科学外交领域的科学做出贡献。本期特刊(SI)的目的不是要传达地球科学领域国际合作发展的权威历史,而是要总结IUGG在其存在的100年间所扮演的杰出角色。SI的第一部分“联盟:地球物理学科的融合”始于IUGG任务和结构的当前概述,并介绍了其成立和早期发展的情况,直到第二次世界大战开始为止。第二篇文章从第二次世界大战后的复苏开始,论述了通过国际地球物理年(IGY; 1957-1958年)进行的地球物理科学非凡发展的年份,以及IUGG结构和计划的并行发展直至1999年大会。第三篇文章回顾了迄今为止进入21世纪的飞速发展,有关IUGG未来发展的远见结束了SI的第一部分。然后告诉每个IUGG协会的杰出历史。SI的第二部分“围绕地球:冰川,河流,空气和海洋”介绍了有关国际冰冻圈科学协会(IACS:历史,国际冰冻科学协会的当前和未来),国际水文科学协会(IAHS:水文学简史),国际气象学和大气科学协会(IAMAS:一个国际大气科学合作世纪),和国际海洋物理科学协会(IAPSO:来自海洋边界的故事)。SI的第三部分“在地球上和地球上:重力,磁铁,地震和火山”介绍了有关国际大地测量学协会(国际大地测量学协会:从理想球体到不规则物体的历史)的文章。全球变化),国际地磁与航空学会 国际水文科学协会(IAHS:水文学简史),国际气象学和大气科学协会(IAMAS:一个世纪的大气科学国际合作)和国际海洋物理科学协会(IAPSO) :来自海洋边境的故事)。SI的第三部分“在地球上和地球上:重力,磁铁,地震和火山”介绍了有关国际大地测量学协会(国际大地测量学协会:从理想球体到不规则物体的历史)的文章。全球变化),国际地磁与航空学会 国际水文科学协会(IAHS:水文学简史),国际气象学和大气科学协会(IAMAS:一个世纪的大气科学国际合作)和国际海洋物理科学协会(IAPSO) :来自海洋边境的故事)。SI的第三部分“在地球上和地球上:重力,磁铁,地震和火山”介绍了有关国际大地测量学协会(国际大地测量学协会:从理想球体到不规则物体的历史)的文章。全球变化),国际地磁与航空学会 国际气象和大气科学协会(IAMAS:一个世纪的大气科学国际合作)和国际海洋物理科学协会(IAPSO:来自海洋边界的故事)。SI的第三部分“在地球上和地球上:重力,磁铁,地震和火山”介绍了有关国际大地测量学协会(国际大地测量学协会:从理想球体到不规则物体的历史)的文章。全球变化),国际地磁与航空学会 国际气象和大气科学协会(IAMAS:一个世纪的大气科学国际合作)和国际海洋物理科学协会(IAPSO:来自海洋边界的故事)。SI的第三部分“在地球上和地球上:重力,磁铁,地震和火山”介绍了有关国际大地测量学协会(国际大地测量学协会:从理想球体到不规则物体的历史)的文章。全球变化),国际地磁与航空学会