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Forum Introduction: Listening for History
Hispanic American Historical Review ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2016-04-26 , DOI: 10.1215/00182168-3484066
Alejandra Bronfman , Christine Ehrick

S cholars of Latin America have long been concerned with sound. Or have they? Music, certainly, has been an object of study, and given its ubiquity and importance in many parts of Latin America and the Caribbean, that is not surprising.1 New generations of scholars have joined distinguished traditions of critical analysis of genres, lyrics, and musicians and their relationships to nations and cultures.2 Music has affective, political, and economic dimensions, and those have received nuanced attention. At the same time, Latin America can often be fetishized through music, both in and outside the region. More than perhaps we realize, the neocolonial gaze on Latin America has long had a strong aural component. Stereotypes of Latin Americans as exotic, passionate, and irrational resonate through the sounds of Brazilian carnival music, the gunfire of the Mexican drug wars, or even the sounds and rhythms of Spanish-speaking populations in the United States. In popular culture, nations and national musics are all too easily reified, as the tango or the Buena Vista Social Club comes to stand for and override complex cultural processes and interactions. We want to use this forum to build on and open up critical conversations deploying sound as a principal category ofanalysis. What does that mean? First, the pieces in this forum craft narratives out of sonic sources in addition to written texts. Second, and most important, the authors investigate sound itself— that is, they listen to it and are attentive to the media that deliver it to our ears (and many ears in the past). In addition to music, the spoken word as well as the processes and infrastructures that produce sonic archives command our attention here. Sound is a useful category to think with. Colonialism, decolonization, migration, and the production of racial and sexual difference, the essays as a whole argue, take on new tones and registers when we listen to them.



拉丁美洲的小学校长久以来一直关注声音。还是他们?当然,音乐一直是研究的对象,并且由于其在拉丁美洲和加勒比海许多地区的普遍性和重要性,这不足为奇。1新一代学者加入了对流派,歌词和音乐进行批判性分析的杰出传统。音乐家及其与国家和文化的关系。2音乐具有情感,政治和经济方面的影响,受到了细微的关注。同时,拉丁美洲经常可以通过音乐来迷恋该地区内外。我们对拉丁美洲的新殖民主义凝视长期以来一直具有强烈的听觉成分,这可能超出了我们的理解。通过巴西狂欢节音乐的声音,拉丁美洲人的刻板印象充满异国情调,激情和非理性共鸣,墨西哥毒品战争的枪声,甚至是美国讲西班牙语的人的声音和节奏。在流行文化中,民族和民族音乐都容易被修饰,因为探戈或Buena Vista社交俱乐部成为代表并超越了复杂的文化过程和互动的。我们希望使用此论坛来建立和打开关键对话,并将声音部署为分析的主要类别。这意味着什么?首先,该论坛中的文章除了书面文字外,还利用声音来源来叙述故事。其次,也是最重要的是,作者调查声音本身,也就是说,他们会聆听声音,并注意将声音传递到我们(以及过去的许多耳朵)的媒体。除了音乐,口语以及产生声音档案的过程和基础设施在这里引起了我们的注意。声音是一个有用的类别。总体而言,论文认为,殖民主义,非殖民化,移民以及种族和性别差异的产生,在我们聆听它们时会呈现出新的色调和音调。