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The Power and Ethics of Vernacular Modernism: The Misicuni Dam Project in Cochabamba, Bolivia, 1944–2017
Hispanic American Historical Review ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-05-01 , DOI: 10.1215/00182168-4376680
Sarah Hines

This article traces the Misicuni dam project, which promised to solve water scarcity in the Central Valley of Cochabamba, Bolivia. First proposed in the 1940s, the project captured the popular imagination in the 1960s and 1970s, broke ground in the 1990s, and opened in 2017. The decisive impulse for the Misicuni dam project came from a broad democratic alliance of Cochabambinos that pressured the Bolivian state, international development banks, and contractors. This alternative history of vernacular modernism, or cross-class efforts to promote, participate in, and democratize modernist development, moves beyond the existing literature that assumes that outside political, economic, and technical elites impose modernist development projects like dams on communities from above. I argue that Cochabambinos’ continued enchantment with the Misicuni dam project owed to the belief that the project’s realization would fulfill the 1952 Bolivian Revolution’s promise of a water-rich modernity without conflicts and competition over water. A t first glance, the Misicuni dam inaugurated in 2017 high above Cochabamba’s Central Valley in Bolivia might seem like a classic example of an I thank Jeffrey Ahlman, Carlos Crespo, Sergey Glebov, Elizabeth Pryor, Pablo Regalsky, Heidi Tinsman, the anonymous readers for HAHR, and especially Mark Healey for their comments on this version of the article or earlier ones, though I alone bear responsibility for its claims. I am also grateful to members of the Misicuni Working Group at the Centro de Estudios Superiores Universitarios (CESU) of the Universidad Mayor de San Simón (UMSS) in Cochabamba for urging me to pursue this research, Carlos Crespo and the entire CESU team for giving me a place to work and write, Julianne Chandler, and Jorge Camacho of UMSS’s Instituto de Investigaciones de Arquitectura for creating the map that accompanies this article. Special thanks to the staffs of Cochabamba’s Archivo Histórico Municipal and Hemeroteca Histórica, the Secretaria Departamental de Planificación de Cochabamba, the Servicio Municipal de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado (SEMAPA), the Empresa Misicuni, the World Bank Group Archives, and the Centro de Documentación e Información Bolivia for providing access to their collections, and to Los Tiempos for permission to reprint the photograph of the Misicuni reservoir. Research would not have been possible without funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the American Council of Learned Societies, the Social Science Research Council, the Inter-American Foundation, and the Institute of International Studies at the University of California,



本文追溯了Misicuni大坝项目,该项目承诺解决玻利维亚科恰班巴中央山谷的水资源短缺问题。该项目于1940年代首次提出,在1960年代和1970年代引起了人们的普遍想象,在1990年代破土动工,并于2017年开业。对Misicuni大坝项目的决定性推动力来自科恰班比诺斯广泛的民主联盟,给玻利维亚国家施加了压力。 ,国际开发银行和承包商。这种白话现代主义的替代历史,或者说是促进,参与和使现代主义发展民主化的跨阶级努力,超越了现有的文献,这些文献假定外部政治,经济和技术精英在上面的社区强加了水坝之类的现代主义发展项目。我认为科恰班比诺斯(Cochabambinos)继续对Misicuni大坝项目着迷,是因为该项目的实现将实现1952年玻利维亚革命对无水冲突和水富现代性的诺言。乍一看,2017年在玻利维亚科恰班巴中央山谷上方高高耸立的Misicuni大坝似乎是一个经典的例子,我非常感谢Jeffrey Ahlman,Carlos Crespo,Sergey Glebov,Elizabeth Pryor,Pablo Regalsky,Heidi Tinsman HAHR,尤其是Mark Healey对本文的此版本或更早版本的评论,尽管我独自承担对此声明的责任。我还要感谢科恰班巴市圣西蒙市市长(UMSS)的Estudios Superiores Universitarios(CESU)大学Misicuni工作组的成员,敦促我继续这项研究,Carlos Crespo和整个CESU团队都给予了帮助UMSS的Arquitectura研究所的Julianne Chandler和Jorge Camacho是我一个工作和写作的地方,用于创建本文附带的地图。特别鸣谢科恰班巴市历史档案馆和希梅罗特卡市历史馆的工作人员,科恰班巴市规划局秘书,阿瓜可饮用铝制服务市政厅(SEMAPA),米西西尼圣母大学,世界银行集团档案馆和中心文件InformaciónBolivia提供了访问其收藏的机会,并转交给Los Tiempos,以允许转载Misicuni水库的照片。没有安德鲁·W·梅隆基金会,美国博学协会,社会科学研究委员会,美洲基金会和加利福尼亚大学国际研究所的资助,就不可能进行研究。