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Mexican Manuscripts and the First Images of Africans in the Americas
Ethnohistory ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-01 , DOI: 10.1215/00141801-7298747
Elena FitzPatrick Sifford 1

Africans in the Americas were first visually recorded by tlacuiloque, or indigenous artist-scribes, in mid-sixteenth-century Central Mexican manuscripts such as Diego Durán’s History, the Codex Telleriano-Remensis, and the Codex Azcatitlan. These figures, while often peripheral to the central narrative and never mentioned specifically by name, are nevertheless rendered as active agents in the shaping of a new colonial society. The article examines these images of Africans to reveal their ethnographic complexity and the development of concepts of alterity in the early contact period.



美洲的非洲人首先由 tlacuiloque 或土著艺术家抄写员在 16 世纪中期的墨西哥中部手稿中进行了视觉记录,例如 Diego Durán 的历史、Codex Telleriano-Remensis 和 Codex Azcatitlan。这些人物虽然经常处于中心叙事的外围,并且从未具体提及姓名,但仍被视为塑造新殖民社会的积极推动者。本文考察了这些非洲人的形象,以揭示他们在早期接触时期的人种学复杂性和他异性概念的发展。